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Izuku pov
We get to the mall and I look at Kacchan waiting to be told what to do "Deku go we're ever you want I will buy you two things" I look at him and a big smile goes on my face because I know this mall has a hole store with All Might merch and its awesome so I grab Kacchan's hand and run off.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-after shopping-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

I got a new shirt with All Might on it and a new All Might keychain it was awesome I need to come back "hay it's time to go to my place" Kirishima says waving us to come so we did but I can see on Kacchan's face he would have liked more time but it is getting late soon so I wonder what we're going to do? We follow Kirishima then I give control to Tanoshi because it's him and Kirishima's turn to hang out together.

Tanoshi pov
We come up to a building with a big sign on it it reads karaoke 'no not singing' 'come on Shai were good at it' 'but other people don't need to know' I walk in and see our classmates "I thought it would be nice if we did this as a group with our other friends" Kirishima says turning to me with a smile and I think the same thing "hi Uraraka it's Tanoshi" I run up and hug my friend she hugs me back and grabs my hand "come on we already have a room" Uraraka then takes me and the others to a big room that can just fit all of us with a microphone on a stand and there are chairs on the opposite side I and others sit down and Kirishima goes up "to make this fare we have a box with everyone's name in it if your name is called you sing got it" "YA" everyone says after then Kirishima puts his hand in the box but before he pulls out a name he look ps at me and says "I didn't forget about Izuku, Shai and Kurutta d9nt wary" 'why me?' Shai loves to sing but not in public. Kirishima pulls out a name and looks at it "Iida" so Iida gets up and sings a song not really good though because he doesn't sing and so on more people go up "Tanoshi" I get up and take the mic and start to sing and everyone's eye go wide.

"Tanoshi what the HELL was that I didn't know you could sing" I look up to see everyone in disbelief "well when I was younger Shai wanted to learn how to sing so our mom made us take voice lessons" I step off the little platform that was there and sat back down "oh now we have to here everyone els sing" I knew what Uraraka meant she wanted to here Shai and the others sing well I wonder how that will go "Kurutta" so Kurutta takes over and goes back up "just to let you no I wrote this song" he says and takes the mic.

I know what Kurutta meant by that song he made....like how do you think we all got different quirks it's not like the doctor said that we would get different quirks our quirks are man made by our father he is a bad man but we're good now because our mom took us away. Everyone just looked at us and clapped I don't think they got the message like I did but Kurutta gave me control and I sat down "Kaminari" he went up and sang the most horrible thing you could ever here but not everyone is good at singing so what can you do some more people went up be before "Izuku" so I let him sing.

Again everyone clapped for my brother and everyone els went except for Shai he was the last one to go so he went up shaking "you can do it Shai" Uraraka says trying to help but what really helped was in the corner Todoroki made a thoms up to let him know it's ok so he started singing and like every time he sings he gets lost in his music and he didn't even realize it but he was looking up at everyone giving it all he got.

When he was done he put the mic back and looked at everyone not sure if he did all right "I never took you as the sassy type Shai" kaminari says geting a slap right after he just nodded and gave control to me.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-at the dorms-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

"That was fun thank you" I look at all of then I go to my room and put my PJs on sitting on my bed and going to sleep.

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