Change is coming

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Izuku pov
I was shocked that Shai did that I knew he was upset but not to the point of punching someone in the face. He kept punching and punching the poor guys face I even saw blood combing out from his nose "Shai stop!" Tanoshi Tried to pull Shai away but it did work.

So instead I helped the guy up and gave him to his friends to keep Shai away from him "let me go!" I watched as Kirishima, Kacchan, Nise, Iida and Tanoshi held back Shai from going after the other guy or from punching anyone els. I told Kaminari to get Midnight so she can make Shai fall asleep "Shai calm down please" I looked at him as he struggles to get free.

He started crying and dropped to the floor "I..I..I'm sorry" I hugged Shai to help him calm down from what ever just happened "shhhhh it's ok" Tanoshi says rubbing his back "I...didn't" he looks up and looks around like he was searching for something "w..where's Kurutta" "at the dorms why?" Kirishima says "w..we need to find him" he gets up and starts to run off "he's in trouble!" I get up off the floor and run with him.

Our class fallows us back to the dorms. I try to open the door but it won't budge "Kurutta open the door!" I hear screaming so I use one for all and break the door open the see Kurutta standing looking away from use "Kurutta?" I asked looking around the room.

The walls has holes in them and everything is broken "Kurutta what happened?" Shinso yells as he followed use here but no reply came. He looked at me and Tanoshi with sad eyes "I don't want to be stronger...or special..." I see as one tear rolled down his cheek then after he fell to the floor.

I ran up to him and held him seeing that his face is pale and sweaty "CALL HELP!" I yell behind me as Shinso helps me him Kurutta I see as Shai is crying probably worried for our brother and Tanoshi is just silent but his quirk is active so we all know how much he is worried and sad.

After a bit of waiting help comes and takes Kurutta away to be checked at. Aizawa sensei said we can have the rest of the day off so I just went up to my room 'what does he mean he doesn't want to be special?' I think long and hard about this and I know what to do...go to my brothers to ask them..

Shai pov
I go up stairs and cry into my pillow 'father is coming for me and Kurutta...' I go over to my closet and pack a bag of clothes and money 'if I'm gone he won't them...' I put on a baggy sweater and jogging pants put on some running shoes and open my window 'would I make it if I jump..I'm only an the second floor?' I think jumping out landing on my feet "now or never" I say to my self running out of UA.

The more the better BNHAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora