A child's imagination

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This is them playing

Tanoshi POV
I'm playing with the sand in the park and I see a castle so I go to it but then a sand storm starts "Izuku we have to go inside before the sand gets us" "got that were heading inside" we start heading inside and its big "who enters my sand castle" we look up and we see a sand villain with his mite staff "were here to search for shelter" Izuku his in front of me with his mega bow "go find shelter somewhere els or we must fight" I get out my power shield to protect myself from the sand villain "then it's designed we must fight villain".

Uraraka pov
I see Tanoshi get out a blanket "then it's designed we must fight villain" awww so cute WAIT there hitting each other "Shai, Izuku, Tanoshi what are you doing" they look up and me "ITS THE ALL POWERFUL SAND GOD RUN" they all run and hide on the slides.

Izuku pov
We had to join forces with the sand villain to escape the sand god that came to "now what villain" the sand villain looks at me and smirks "we have to slide down the sand piles and find the powerful whisperer" he then slides down so me and Tanoshi follow him to go find our transportation we see the rock golem "oh mighty rock we have to go back to HQ" "you guys want to go back t9 the dorms?" "HQ" the rock golem looks at us and we start walking but then the sand god follows us so we start running as fast as we can.

Kurutta pov
I'm just colouring then the door opens and my brothers run to me "WHISPERER WE NEED YOU" I look up and the three are out of breath so I stand up "the powerful whisperer needs payment" they go and find things for me "the ruby of yummy for the powerful whisperer" I see as Knight Tanoshi gives me "perfect" I take it and put it in my pocket then drag them to the corner "what are we facing here" "we're facing a really powerful sand god" the only way to defeat a god is to control it and tell it the go away.

Bakugo pov
Well then I guess Kurutta's talking again but what are they doing in the corner I herd something about a whisperer and payment? I have no idea what they are up to.

Hope you like this chapter =)

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