Question and answers

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It's been two days since we got back and midoriya just has been sleeping since he used so many quirks in a short amount of time well that's what Aizawa sensei told us. Speaking of him he just walks in "we found out that midoriya dose have MPD and he's been hiding it" I can see that Aizawa was trying to find the right words to say "so please everyone treat him the same and know that he's not just Izuku Midoriya so treat THEM with respect.......he also just woke up so we will be visiting when we can" so Bakugo wasn't lying, Midoriya has MPD and we get to see him soon. Great I have a question to ask 'who was I hugging?'.

I wake up in a room with a needle in my arm. Its a IV. I look to the side and see a door so I get up but then a nurse comes in "oh no Midoriya you mustn't leave come on sit back down" so I did looking up at her "we know you have MPD so who are you" I was shocked at what she said before answering her question "Sh....Shai mi...midoriya" I say the best I can because my mouth is dry.

"ok Shai midoriya do you know we're you are" "a hospital?" I say questing my answer because I'm just guessing. It went on like that she asking questions and me answering them until the doctor came and had asked me how many there were so I answered like I was doing "me, Izuku, Tanoshi and Kurutta" the doctor just put it down on his note pad he had.

Je asked me more questions like what are our quirks and how many years we had MPD for I answered all of them with the others waking up in the process "I would like you to stay for a bit so you can get back up to full health Midoriya's" the doctor said speaking to all of us.

I just nodded my head in agreement and so he and the nurse left me with my brothers in the room. After a bit I take out the IV from my arm 'every one knows our secret' 'I think that was Kacchan's plans' 'you think' Kurutta says sarcastically and we all giggle.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-time skip-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

It has been one day and I got to walk around for a bit until I had to go back to my room and gave control to someone els it was Izuku so all he did was read.

Aizawa said that we're going to see midoriya today it was a Friday. I was just happy to see him, Bakugo didn't go with us and just stayed at UA doing school work I would guess. Before we went in to his room Aizawa told us to behave don't be rude and that there's 4 of them, we can ask there names though.

He did it using his quirk with his red eyes and it scared the hole class. He nocked on the door and I herd a come in so we did and there sitting on a bed was midoriya or should I say one of the midoriya's.

I see my class walk in and Uraraka runs up and hugs me "Izuku is it you" I knew what she was talking about "yes it's me Uraraka" I look at her and smile.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-time skip-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

"Oh hay midoriya what's your other personality's names" kaminari says but gets slapped in the back of the head by Jiro "don't be rude kaminari" I look at them and laugh a bit "it's ok Jiro all of you must be wondering" I pause for a moment so they can all pay attention "there's me, Tanoshi, Kurutta and Shai" they all look at me amazed that I said it out right.

"there's no point in hiding it now right" I smile nervously "can we talk to them" of course that was kaminari again getting another slap I find it funny how he never learns "umm" that is all I can muster 'do you guys want to talk to them' 'YES' that was Tanoshi 'meh do you want me to it's not like we don't see them every day' that was Kurutta 'no I don't' and that was Shai tipical he doesn't like talking "Izuku you ok you went silent" oh ya they need an answer.

But before I could say anything Jiro says "midoriya you don't need to do anything you don't want to" "no no it's ok really" I pause for a moment 'Tanoshi your up'.

I look and everyone is staring and since I'm way to excited for my own good I get off the bed and start talking "oh wow hi nice to meetyouimTanoshiitssonicetomeetyouoneononewow"(oh wow hi nice to meet you I'm Tanoshi it's so nice to meet you one on one wow) I'm smiling the biggest smile ever.

I don't get to talk with Izuku's friends unless I have to. I could tell everyone was taken a back to me talking so fast but I didn't care "oh so your Tanoshi hi I'm Uraraka" "ya I know we see everything that each of us do even if we're not in control sorry if I'm rambling but I'm just to happy" "wow I guess Midoriya dose have MPD he's so different" kaminari adds wining a good old slap from Jiro her self.

Aizawa walks in sees what's going on and walks out again. Mina just laughs "it looks like you scared him off Tanoshi" "ah sorry about that" for the rest of the time my new friends were here. We just talked and laughed together before Aizawa made them leave and told me "midoriya ah I mean Tanoshi I would like that you and the other tow start going to school like Izuku does because your quirks are not as good as they could be" "but Aizawa sensei how would we know who's going to school" I ask because we know it's mostly going to be me and Izuku.

"I will make a time table for you all and if you can excuse me I need to make sure your classmates don't break the hospital" "sure thanks" I say back as he leaves 'Shai I guess your going to have to go to school' 'worst day ever'.

It was the day after visiting the Midoriya's and Aizawa sensei told us that were getting dorms and that Tanoshi, Shai and Kurutta are going to also go to school with us. great I can get to know them better now.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-time skip-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Everyone has moved into the dorms except for the Midoriya's there going to be moving when we're at school so we won't get to see them. oh well it's better to move when no ones keep asking you questions I guess. we'll Aizawa sensei said that he will be coming at lunch for the rest of the day and it won't be Izuku I wonder who's coming is it going to be Tanoshi?

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