"You can't understand. I told you already, mere humans don't get it. Stop trying to act like you can relate, you just can't." Jinyoung yanked his arm out of Jaebum's grasp, his eyes falling to the pavement.

Jaebum dropped his hand to his side, giving a small nod of his head before continuing to walk. Jinyoung had a point, he wasn't an angel, let alone a fallen one, how could he possibly relate? "Right. Okay, sorry."

Jinyoung followed after him, the rest of the trek home quiet. Mentioning his situation with heaven was a touchy subject, Jaebum figured as much, but he didn't really think it was too big of a deal. He knew Jinyoung was pissed about his status, but Jaebum could only wonder exactly what he'd done to get kicked out of what humans envision as paradise. He knew he probably wouldn't get that answer anytime soon considering how Jinyoung recently avoided the topic, but Jaebum's curiosity was still there and grew increasingly hard to ignore.

Ultimately, Jaebum decided to stay away from the topic for now and maybe ask about it again some other time if Jinyoung ever got comfortable enough to talk about it.

The two stopped for a slice of pizza that Jinyoung refused to admit he enjoyed, but going by how fast he devoured it, it obviously wasn't the worst thing he's eaten. Afterwards they headed back to Jaebum's place, both going separate directions and most likely ignoring one another for the rest of the night.

Jaebum settled on the couch to watch some television, and he couldn't help but notice Jinyoung was avoiding him. He'd watch the angel quickly walk by, avoiding eye contact and keeping his lips shut when normally he would throw a random insult or two just for the fun of it.

It should've felt fine being ignored since Jinyoung was a pain in the ass anyway, but Jaebum couldn't help but feel bad for putting him in that mood, and being ignored altogether sucked. Though it didn't last long, since Jinyoung eventually had to reluctantly speak to him when he wanted to take a shower and still couldn't figure out how to operate it.

"Jaebum?" He called from the bathroom, immediately gaining the other's attention due to their lack of communication. "Can you teach me how to work this?"

Jaebum stood and approached the bathroom, seeing Jinyoung standing near the shower with a baffled expression. Jaebum had been turning the shower on for him every night, which was a bit annoying since Jinyoung was picky with his temperature preferences, but he couldn't blame him for not knowing how to work it. "I'll do it."

Jinyoung pushed Jaebum's hand that reached for the shower knob away. "No teach me. What if you're not here and I need to bathe? I can't rely on you to do it every time."

"I've tried to teach you before and yet it was too complicated." Jaebum retorted. Jinyoung grew frustrated the last time he tried to learn how to use the shower despite the controls being incredibly easy, in the end needing Jaebum's assistance again just to get the water running.

"Just explain it again." He urged, still eager to learn despite his short patience.

Jaebum sighed, pointing at each of the metal attachments as he explained. "You pull the middle knob out so the water is directed to the shower, then turn it either right, or left, for hot and cold temperatures."

"Let me try." Jinyoung grabbed the middle knob and began turning, completely ignoring the first step of the instructions. He started pulling and twisting at the same time, and Jaebum could just envision him breaking the whole shower.

He reached over, his hand wrapping around Jinyoung's that still struggled with the knob. His chest pressed against Jinyoung's back, startling the angel, though Jaebum himself didn't really pay it much attention.

"Pull out." He gently guided Jinyoung's hand back, the knob finally coming out which in turn rushed water up the pipes and through the shower head. "Now, warm or cold showers?"

"W-Warm..." Jinyoung stuttered, his attentiveness on the instructions questionable since his focus seemed to be wavering.

Jaebum was more concentrated on the shower, making sure the instructions were clear enough for Jinyoung to follow by himself. "Then turn it left."

Their hands turned left, and soon a light steam began emanating from the water droplets. "See, it's hot now. Adjust the temperature to what you like, okay?"

Jinyoung sucked in a breath, shouldering Jaebum away. "Okay, s-stop touching me."

Jaebum stepped back, taking in a brief scan of the bathroom to make sure Jinyoung was all set to shower. "Need help with anything else while I'm in here?"

Jinyoung shot Jaebum a sharp glare, clicking his tongue. "Are you suggesting I'd need help washing? You are a pervert, disgusting."

"I never said that, but whatever, have fun." Jaebum replied, ignoring the insult as he spun around prepared to leave the bathroom.

Just as he was closing the door, he heard Jinyoung call out from behind him. "Wait."

Jaebum turned, raising a brow in question.

Jinyoung tugged at the hem of his shirt, suddenly filled with awkwardness. "Um, will I be coming to work with you again tomorrow?"

Jaebum was taken aback, yet amused by the question. A smile threatened to show itself on his lips, the assumptions forming in his head perfect material to tease Jinyoung with. "Do you want to?"

Jinyoung shrugged. "Only if you want me to."

Jaebum hummed, making a show of himself thinking over the request. In all honestly he couldn't care less if Jinyoung came again or not, but just for fun he decided to mess with the angel. "No, stay home."

Jinyoung's jaw fell open, a sound of protest escaping him. "What! why?"

Jaebum nearly keeled over laughing. Just as he assumed, Jinyoung wanted to come to work with him again. Jaebum had no idea what changed his mind between just earlier that morning to then, but it was a pleasant surprise to find out how fond Jinyoung was of helping out. "I'm joking Jinyoung. You must've enjoyed being there, you try to act like you hate everything but you're just a big softy."

Jinyoung's ears were bright red, his eyes darting around the room to avoid contact with Jaebum's. "I'm not! I just... it's my job to help people, okay? I can get back to heaven faster if I help people."

Jaebum hummed, allowing the bullshit excuse Jinyoung gave to enter one ear and exit the other. "Was it those little kids that I saw you entertaining that made you wanna come back? Maybe you saw an attractive customer? We have a ton of regulars, I'm sure you'll see them again~."

"It's not any of that!" Jinyoung whined, though one thing Jaebum could tell for sure was how bad of a liar he was.

Jaebum chuckled, the brief thought of pinching Jinyoung's puffed cheeks flashing through his mind. It left as fast as it came though, since he didn't feel as if they were on close enough terms yet for casual interactions.

He instead left it at a simple shrug, leaving the choice up to Jinyoung. "If you want to come then come."

Jinyoung took a moment to think on it, though he didn't need long since he'd already made up his mind before he even asked Jaebum about it.

"Okay." He answered with a nod, quickly turning away from Jaebum's patronizing stare since they both knew Jinyoung's hostile walls were already cracking no matter how hard he tried to keep them up.

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