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Keith sat down in his chair at the Altean desk placed in his bedroom.

It was one of the two pieces of items in his room. His bed being the only other. When he pulled open one of the drawers of the desk, he carefully removed the base of the drawer to reveal a secret compartment. Inside of it, his laptop for years hidden away.

After placing it in front of him and opening it, he could only stare at the black screen, trying his best to avoid his own reflection in the three seconds it took for the device to autonatically turn on. He let out a breath when his reflection disappeared and the lock screen appeared. So quickly, he typed in his password and YouTube was already up and running.

He watched as the pointer of the computer mouse glided through the screen towards his profile page, his eyes widening in disbelief.

The account he owned had reached over a billion subscribers.

Was that even humanly possible?

Keith navigated his way through his profile page. He hadn't recorded a new video in over a month since Voltron has been so busy fighting off the Galra Empire. Stress was getring to him and this was his only way to vent.

Creating videos and ranting about life without giving away details such as him being in space fighting off evil aliens that want to rule the universe.

He opened one of his many playlists on his profile. This one read Lost.

And he clicked on the create a new video button.

There was a three second countdown and the video started. As soon as it did, be turned the camera on and watched as over a hundred people were on at once.

"Hey everyone... I know it's been over a month since I've last made contact with you all, but I want to say thank you. For everyone supporting me, I'm also supporting you too. We all have our own struggles in life to deal with. Sometimes we just need someone to help get us through."

There were footsteps and laughter heard from outside Keiths bedroom so the red paladin quieted and waited for his teammates to pass his room and continue on their day without him.

"Lately, things have been rough. If you haven't seen my latest videos, then here's a quick explanation for you all."

He breathed in heavily beforr letting it out and opening his eyes to gace the screen, leaning forward with his hamds clasped and a serious look on his face.

"I live a dangerous life, a very dangerous. Lately, these attacks have been more frequent. I can't give any details like I've said before. But guys... I just don't know what to do anymore. If I don't make another video within the span of fifty days, then that's how you'll know I'm dead. I want you all to know this because I want everyone to come together and help each other out. I know a lot of you have become online friends and have formed this special online community where you guys give each other advice and losten to others rant. It's good. It makes me happy. Really."

He watched as more comments sprouted onto his laptop screen, smiling fondly at the positove comments he was recieving.

Doing this truly gave Keith some form of normality in the hectic life he was living in. It was one of the only peaceful things he got to experience.

And Keith didn't even realize he was crying until he was slumped down and his face was in his hands, body shaking and quiet sniffles coming out from the usually stoid paladin.

Viewers were worried, but all they could do was watch and send him comforting words over text, many pitting him.

They didn't know what kind of life he led, but they each knew that he was always at risk, that he could always die, and that he needed a break and people to help him.

It Began With An EpiphanyWhere stories live. Discover now