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A few days passed by quickly as each of the paladins did their own part in their hunt for Keith.

Pidge used all the technology she could use and find to search for any traces of suspicious activity or any names under Keith or Yorak. Anything Galra. Hunk and Allura went around asking people in the city if they've seen Keith, showing pictures of Keiths younger self. Lance and Shiro searched for him discreetly as to not be seen while Coran was up in the castle looking from street cameras and footage.

Keith on the other hand refused to leave his room. Kosmo teleport to sit on top of his owner and lay down on Keiths back. The wolf started to tug at Keiths clothes and growl lowly at him. "I don't want to face my problems." This earned him harder tugging from the space wolf.

Kosmo had an idea immediately and then teleport the two.

The action caught Keith by surprise and he looked around to find himself laying on his stomach in an alleyway. Kosmo seemed pleased causing Keith to groan out in annoyance. "Fine, fine, since it's almost six, I'll be active and social during the festival as long as you stay with me the entire time." And Kosmo thought about it, deciding this was best for his owner, so the two stood up and entered the main streets where games and such were going on.

Keith decided to stay deep withinthe crowds, even calling over a girl his age who was also wandering alone by himself. She joined up with Keith with a smile on her face. She was an alien a few inches shorter than he was and literally had shimmering pink eyes that reminded him all too much of an anime character. "Would you like to accompany me around the festival for the night?" She giggled softly. "That would be nice. She held her hand out. "I'm Callisa."

Keith debated on what name to tell the alien girl and just decided on the truth.

"I'm actually a girl, sorry to disappoint. I'm on a mission and trying to avoid some people. I'm disguised as a guy right now so I need someone to make it look less suspicious." Callisa nodded. "I sensed it on you. I have special powers that allow me to see or sense the truth of most beings, Galra included." Callisa couldn't help but giggle towards tge other.

As they walked together, they talked and laughed about random stuff. And then the disguise topic came up again. Callisa looked up at Keith. "You wanna know what's funny?" Keith hummed. "I'm actually a boy disguised as a girl, so our situations must be common. Who are you hiding from?"

"Voltron. And you?"

"My mother. She actually is one of the main rulers of this planet. After tonight, I will run away and find a new home on another planet."

The story seemed sad and Keith knew not to question it.

"I'll tell you my real name if you tell me yours?" Callisa couldn't help but offer, slightly intruiged. Not in a bad eay, just out of curiosity.

"My name is Yorak."

And the shocked expression that came from the other alien was true. Because why in the universe was Prince Lotor's mate on a supposedly Galra free planet? It was astonishing.

"O-Oh, princess, I apologize-"

"No, sorry, my fault. I'm sure I caught you offguard. You're technically royalty too, so I apologize on my behalf."

The two ended up in a fit of giggles. "Well, my real name is Eylax."

So the two disguised royals enjoyed the night together from then on. Kosmo stayed by the shadows and watched the two protectively, also on the look out for any of the paladins.

By now, it's been over five hours and the festivities had not even come close to dying down.

Midnight was approaching and sadly, the two had to part. Eylax held Yoraks hands in his own and held up Yoraks device. "I've input my signal number in your device. If you ever need anything, at all, I'll be here to help you, alright?" Yorak nodded happily.

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