Plea2e Don't 2top The Mu2iic

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Gem's POV:
I closed my eyes and rested my head against the window. The lyrics of the music were numbing my emotions. Hell, the music itself was numbing me down. I mean... This song should be making me feel something.. But.. It's not.. The melodic guitar of Mayday by Running The Risk should be lulling me into a giant ball of emotions. As normal... Nothing.

"Haunted by a past that you remember all too well"

It's funny how you realize how much you care about something when you lose it. But, I guess that's life. You just have to keep moving on and deal with whatever is thrown at you.

"Never stood a chance, but you could've asked for help"

At least, that's what I've learned. Because, if you don't just go head on with whatever is thrown your way, you'll just end up crashing and burning from that obstacle.

"Powerless against a force that never gets its fill"
"I promised I would save you but I don't know if I will"

I guess I sound more depressing when I talk about life. Sorry, it's just hard to be happy. So many things have gone wrong in my life.

"Before you end yourself"
"Mayday, we're going down"

Glancing over at my father and brothers I realized that they had been staring at me. My eyes widened as I noticed my lips were slightly parted, hinting that I had been singing aloud to my music. With a dark blush, I turned my attention back to looking out my window. Pulling my hood up over my head, I changed the song in hopes of me not singing aloud again. Of course, I should've been thoroughly ticked off when Sollux took my hood off of my head and then yanked out an earbud out of my left ear. Soon.. He started singing.. Oh fuck.. I should've known he'd sing to this.

Sollux: "Plea2e don't 2top the mu2iic"

Please don't.. I swear.. I will hurt you.. Oh no.. Now it's Mituna.. I hate this.. Please stop... What did I do to ever deserve this.. This is seriously like an episode of some shitty family sitcom.

Mituna: " PL3453 D0N'7 570P 7H3 MU51C"

I should give up.. Let the music take me in. Go with the flow and join them, sing a long.. No. No I refuse. I can't.. Oh fuck it.. I love singing..

"Plea2e d0n't 2t0p the mu2iic"

Smiling, we sang the last verse of the beginning chorus together. I couldn't help but glance out of the corner of my eye to look at my dad. He seemed so happy. I guess it's because I haven't shown any actual emotion in a long time. Maybe I'll change when we get to this new house, and if I don't. I'll try. Just for my dad.

"Iit'2 ge7tiing l4t3"

The words were nothing else but melodic to me. They had lulled me to a relaxed state that I haven't been in for years. Each lyric that we sang helped my stress go away, it made my worries about this move die off. Soon, my brothers had stopped singing for me to sing. Of course. So, with a grin I continued on with the next few verses.

"D0 y0u kn0w what y0u 2tarted?"
"Ii ju2t came here t0 party"
"But n0w we're r0ckiing 0n the dance fl00r, actin' naughty"

To me it was a bit embarrassing to sing this song, mainly because my dad was listening and watching. Also, as I was singing, I may or may not have been gyrating my hips a bit to go with the song.. Yeah, you can't tell me that, that's not embarrassing at all when your father and brothers are watching you sing, oh and the cab driver himself might be watching you through his mirror. But, letting the music wash over me, I kept on singing.

"Y0ur hand2 ar0und my waii2t"
"Ju2t let the mu2iic play"
"We're hand iin hand, che2t tw0 che2t and n0w we're face tw0 face"

And then, back to the chorus. This was basically all we did, all the way to the airplane.. Well, that is until we all fell asleep in the middle of a song we were singing. But, you catch my drift. Most of the time we were singing.

Simon's POV:

It was nice to see my little girl happy and singing. Especially with her brothers. I must say though, her choreography was something I wasn't so approving of. I mean, the girl is only 16. Well barely since she had just turned a couple of months ago. But, she already seemed embarrassed enough so I just let her continue on.

About a few hours later of singing the trio had passed out. Gem's head resting on Sollux's right shoulder, and Mituna's head resting on Sollux's left shoulder, while Sollux's chin was resting on Gem's head.
My corners of my lips curled up into a smile as I leaned over and kissed their foreheads.
"2w33t dr3am2 y0u thr33"

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