When Will She Ever Be Okay?

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Gem's POV:

I remember the colors of black and blue, not only did that color litter my skin. But it was also what my attackers had worn. Before the flash of clashing dark colors, I closed my eyes in hopes of ignoring the up coming pain. It didn't work, the feeling of the toes of their shoes dug deep into my body. I could hear and feel the sound of breaking ribs, one after another. All I could hope for, was for my ribs to collapse and crush my heart so I would no longer have to endure the pain. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I stayed in a fetal position, my teeth dug into my lower lip to keep from giving any type of audible satisfaction to the one who had caused this. I could feel his gaze on me, enjoying the pain I had been suffering through.

Then, it all suddenly stopped. Taking advantage of the moment, I sucked in a deep breath. Only to quickly regret it, all the pain soon quickly flittered through my system. Gulping in as much oxygen as my aching body could salvage, I slowly opened my eyes; only to quickly take notice of my attackers being attacked... By my brothers.

The Twin's POV:

"If I ever fucking catch you laying another hand on my sister, I swear I will end you!" There was none other but Sollux holding Equius by the collar of his shirt, slamming his fist into Equius' face, repeatedly. Soon, Sollux tossed Equius to the ground before rushing over to Gemini and carefully cradling her to his chest.

Not too far away from where Sollux had previously been, Mituna had Horrus on the ground as he quickly kicked his foot into the older Zahhak brother. Fury blazed within Mituna's eyes as he kept kicking. Not too long, Sollux had shouted over at the older twin to stop.

Panting heavily, Mituna stopped his actions and spat on the ground near Horrus' head before going over to Gem. His eyes were still glazed over with rage, but it slowly dimmed away as he knelt down and ran a hand through his hair. Sighing to himself, Mituna took his sister out of Sollux's arms and held her threshold before swiftly standing up and heading toward the parking lot.

"I'll take our car. You take Gem's.. Also, could you please grab her stuff?" Sollux nodded as Mituna glanced over at Cronus who was angrily shouting at the Zahhak's before noticing Mituna's gaze. The Ampora's eyes widened as he quickly pulled both Zahhak's up and they rushed off to get away from the Captor's.

Both twins sharing a growl, they soon head off to the parking lot. Looking at Gem, they quickly took her bruises in, in consideration. She had some scratches along her body, as well. Irritation and despair swirled within their eyes.

"Why couldn't their sister just be happy, for once? When will she ever be okay?" With this, the twins shared the same thought without knowing they were.

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