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"It's sad, isn't it?"

She looked up at her laptop screen even though she knew the camera was off and nobody would be able to see her face. It was an anonymous video afterall.

"The fact that you know in your life as a kid, a teenager, a young adult or a full adult, you are constantly working."

She quickly glanced back down at the sketchbook in her lap, open, a detailed sketch staring back at her.

"Because that's just how the world works, right?"

One more short line there...

"Life is the same boring routine."

Another here for emphasis on the body.

"And even though I know this already. Even though I've been well aware of the situation for so long..."

Her pencil came to a stop as she took in her own words, letting the next one's slip out of her mouth effortlessly.

"Like an epiphany."

Yes, that's what it is exactly.

"It comes back to me over and over again."

Surely she's not the only person in the world who feels the way she does about life.

"It's just such a depressing thing to know."

She nodded to herself in the slightest.

"That you'll live your life to just wake up every morning, go to school as a growing kid. Or wake up as an adult and have to go to work everyday. Eat breakfast or not depending on who you are. Work for hours both in school and work. Eat lunch. Or not. Work for more hours."

The millions of viewers on her live stream listened carefully, more than a majority genuinely agreeing with her.

"Then when you get home. You just eat. Then do your homework. You don't socialize or interact with any object besides paper and a pencil or pen."

She began to add more details to the features of her piece of art.

"Sometimes I just wish something exciting would happen in my life."

A touch up on the face. The eyes and the nose, the almost forced smile, the hair.

"Is that selfish for me to think?"

See, she was capable of voicing the inner thoughts that other people acknowledge but fear to speak about in the open, out loud, to their loved ones.

"I just don't understand anymore."

She pressed down onto the paper.

"Why the world works the way it does."

And watched as the end of the pencil broke.

"And why are females so looked down upon? Why does it have to be us? What if it were the opposite way? What if men cowered away in a corner or was shamed by a woman? They would know how it feels then."

She pulled out another pencil. It was brand new too, better than the pencils that came before it.

"Why was I born like this?"


"Why can't I be different?"

She wished she could be.

"Why do I have to carry this burden?"

Truly a heavy burden. One like no other.

"The burden to act how others want me to."

It just didn't make sense. Nothing did anymore at this point in her life.

"Why must I put on a mask even when standing in a crowd full of people who might never even turn my way? Why am I sorted into the category of weak, small and insignificant? I know I am strong. I am capable and better than most dirty men who believe they're all that. I want to show people I'm brave, and that I can do so many things they never thought possible."

A single tear rolled down her face.

"I want everyone to know the real me. Not some altered clone I've sent out when outside of my own bedroom."

The ability to prove ones own true capabilities is a talent not everyone possesses.

"But is there any way to change our lives?"

It doesn't seem possible at all.

"Our courses are set."

She began to wrap up the drawing.

"Our fate is already given to us. Our destinies written out in a book. We cannot escape our lives, can we?"

Movements finally coming to an end.

"I cannot escape my life."

Like how another part of her life was about to come to an end.


Hopefully for the better.

"Can I?"

She laughed softly.

"I know what I have to do now everyone."

And she held up the sketchbook up in front of her, staring at the eye-opening result in front of her.

"This will be the last time you hear my voice this way. Because from now on. Everyone. I'm about to change for the better."

She was going to change for a future that wouldn't keep her suppressed.

"I'll finally be free."


First chapters up!
I swear to you the other chapters are long, m'kay?


Hope you all enjoy the book~

It Began With An EpiphanyWhere stories live. Discover now