Chapter 9; Life's a Party, You're a Boy

Start from the beginning

Furrowing my eyebrows I tilted my head to the side in confusion, "everything's fine. Are you okay?"

"I meant last night," realization dawned on me. Everyone must know at this point. "Everyone was downstairs just joking around when suddenly Damien was screaming. We followed Shayne up here but he glared at all of us before shutting the door behind him."

I just nodded along with her story, turning back around to face my duffle bag, now more interested in picking out clothes than before. "Yeah, I'm good. Just...a bad dream, I guess."

"Oh..." by her tone I could tell she didn't entirely believe me. "Well, if you ever want to talk you know I'm here for you right? We all are."

"Yeah, of course. Thanks," I smiled at her over my shoulder, looking down again to pull out a pair of black jeans.

"I'll see you downstairs then," I heard her turn and walk back down the hallway.

Once she was far enough away that her footsteps were covered by the noise of downstairs I sighed, staring down at the jeans in my hands. I wonder what the others thought was going on last night. I had completely forgotten that there were other people around us last night. Maybe if I just act like nothing happened then they'll follow in my lead, at least that's what I'm hoping for.

Pulling out a lilac sweater from my bag I stared at it before setting it aside and pulling out whatever my hand touched first which happened to be a really old 'Smosh Games' t-shirt. The design on the front was chipped and peeling, the letters faded over the years. I smiled as I looked down at the article of clothing in my hands remembering the day I got it. I ordered it online as a birthday present for myself. I was in my first year of college and in love with Smosh, of course back then not only was Anthony involved but, the cast was a lot smaller.

I always really liked Mari, her being the only female in a group of males making her relatable as almost all of my friends were male. I blushed as I thought about my crush on college self finding him adorable and the funniest of the cast. I had printed out pictures of all of Smosh and hung them on my cork board above my desk, my room mate always teasing me about them. I also changed my lock screen to Sohinki once to convince a guy that I was dating someone.

The bathroom door opened and I looked up to see Damien walk out, a towel in his hands and he ran it through his wet hair. I smiled and set the shirt back in my bag as I watched him cross the room, the towel covering his face from view. Once he reached his side of the bed he set his hand down on his night stand and patted around until his fingers landed on his discarded glasses. Tossing the, now damp, towel onto the bed he brought his hands up and pushed his glasses into place.

Looking up at me finally he smirked, "hey."

"Hey," I chuckled, my heart skipping a few beats at the sight of him in his glasses.

"Can't decide on a shirt?" he laughed as he rounded the bed to stand next to me.

I shook my head at him smiling and looked down into my duffle bag, "yeah, you could say that." I didn't want to ruin the good mood he seemed to be in by bringing up my conversation with Olivia. "I'm open to suggestions."

Looking up at him he winked at me before turning to his open wardrobe, "like this kind of suggestion?" He held up a red hoodie, smiling at me from behind it.

I just raised my eyebrows at him and held out my hand, "I mean if you're okay with losing a hoodie, sure!" His smile only widened as he set the hoodie in my hand.

"Five minutes and I'm dragging you both down here, dressed or not!" Shayne's voice echoed throughout the house.

Chuckling Damien pointed over his shoulder to the door, "I'm gonna go see what he has his panties in a wad over."

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