"Do something about it, loser."
Boruto pouted while you just laughed and playfully pushed him back.

"I'd be happy to team up with you two."

"I'm home..." You opened your front door and walked in, taking off your shoes.

"Welcome home!" Your mom greeted, walking out from the living room. "How was school?"

"Eh, it was normal. Shino-sensei made us group into different teams this time," you replied, walking past her.

"Who did you team up with?" She asked, following you into the kitchen.

"Boruto and Mitsuki asked me to join their three-man team. There was no one else, so obviously I agreed."

"I see..." M/n watched you pull out a banana from the fridge before shoving the entire thing in your mouth and swallowing it whole.

"We're starting practical training tomorrow, so I need to restore my energy and stamina," you said.

"Oh, you should be able to pass that with flying colors."
You shrugged.


The next day, all of the students were gathered around Shino at the base of the school.

"Today, we're going to conduct battle training at this scaffold that was built at the school," Shino said. High on the top of the roof was a red flag.

"It's similar to that last lesson when we ended up demolishing the school," Denki acknowledged.

"Then this is probably going to turn out the same way," Boruto added.

"Yo, what if we accidentally set the whole school on fire?"

"I'm pretty sure that's just you, Y/n."

"... you right."

"I believe in you all," Shino said, though it sounded quite strained. "However, I want to emphasize one thing. The most important thing for this training session is that... you absolutely must not damage the school in any--"

"All right! I can't wait to get started--GUAH!!!!"
You slammed your fist into his head and sent him into the ground.

"Don't interrupt him, Boruto," you scolded, glaring down at him.

"S... sorry..."
Shino cleared his throat and began to tell the rules.

"Two teams will begin at the same time, and make their way from the bottom to the top. The first team to have their member reach the top, wins. Obstructing your opponent is allowed."

It was you, Boruto, and Mitsuki versus the Ino-Shika-Cho formation. All of you were standing on the metal support beams.

"Boruto, Mitsuki, back me up. This won't take long."

"Huh? Why do you get to take the lead?"


"N-never mind..."
You rolled your eyes and jumped up to the next level.

"Oh no you don't!" Cho Cho appeared and enlarged her fist, aiming it straight to you. You pursed your lips and easily dodged it, swinging your leg and sending her flying into the ground.

"Cho Cho!" Inojin exclaimed. With gritted teeth, he brought out a scroll and began to draw. A large fish-like creature popped out from it. You turned, your blood whipping out of your body and destroying it.

"What an idiot..."
You got to the roof, not bothering to look below you.

You looked up, seeing Cho Cho above you. She recovered from her previous thrashing.

'... A tree is a fiercer opponent.' You dodged her fist, balling up blood in your palm before shooting it back out. It connected to her stomach and once again, sent her flying away from you. Metal creaking drew your attention to below you. The metal stands fell to the ground in a cloud of dust.

"... huh...?"
The other students down below you looked just as confused and done as you.

"Oh for god's sake..." You elected to ignore it and instead, grabbed the flag up above. When you looked down, you noticed Boruto creating another spectacle with the students. With a sigh, you jumped off the roof, making sure to avoid any broken metal.

"What's going on?" You asked Shikadai.

"Boruto found out Class Rep might transfer to another school," he whispered back.

"Oh..." You replied, "... good fucking riddance."

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

Scroll 4: Throw Back in Time |Discontinued|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن