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 Ain't it a cutie? ^^ Its name's Amygdala

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Ain't it a cutie? ^^ Its name's Amygdala.

Amygdala (the one in the story is actually a Lesser Amygdala, same as in the picture) belongs to Bloodborne which in turn belongs to FromSoftware. All credit goes to them for creatung such an interesting character. Also, like in Moder's case, leave it to me to take a scary character and turn it into a softie. So, yeah.

"So, I guess this is it." Dipper said, looking at the planes departing through the window wall, as he sat next to you on the seats, waiting for the one that would take you home to arrive.

Will and Mabel were there too, ready to say their goodbye, both crying their eyes out and hugging you tight. You were patting their backs with each hand, grateful that Dipper was more mature about this. You didn't know if you could handle three crying teenagers at once. You sisters were giving you odd looks, you mother glad that you managed to make such good friends and your father glaring at the Pine boy, the same expression Grandpa and Pale King had when they heard about him and your friendship. You couldn't quite place it nor understand it, and frankly you tried not to care. You wanted this last meeting to be happy, not sad. You began to like Dipper, his sense of adventure, the way he made you laugh and how he searched for the greatest things to explore. He was also easy to talk to, and there was something about him that always made you smile. To part ways really felt sad for you too.

"Yeah." you replied, looking at the floor. "Will you call me? If you can, I mean."

"Of course. And if you ever find yourself in California be sure to call me. I have plenty of places to show you." Dipper responded, smiling.

"Same if you ever find yourself in Transylvania."

The plane arrived, you had to go. A kiss on the cheek, a goodbye you couldn't say out loud, for you feared it would be the last, a slight warmth coming from the bracelets on your wrist.

Dipper watched you disappear, his hand still covering the warm spot on his face where her lips touched his skin, a strong blush taking over. He couldn't say anything, words stuck in his throat as emotions filled his heart. Mabel was gasping aloud next to him, one more minute and she would explode in a cry of joy. Will too. The Dream Demon was glad to see that his friend managed to get a kiss from the girl he liked. Ah! If only she could have stayed a little more.

You were sitting beside Vlad, staring out the window as your cousin was playing with May, Patrick and his wife behind you, your mother, father and sister in front, neither party willing to talk to each other, blood not enough to wash the transpired events. He dared not look at you, and you could guess why. Your eyes shifted from the sea to the bracelets, gold and black being still, giving out no emotions from the Higher Beings. They felt so heavy now. Slowly, you removed them, and slid them in your cousin's lap. Vlad looked at you and then at the bracelets, his eyes begging the answer you didn't know yourself.

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