Introducing Grandpa

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"(Y/N), are you ok?" Anne asked you, patting your shoulder.

Mrs. Gibson yelled at you for half an hour for some stupid mistake that day. However, you didn't care about it. You had better things to worry about. It was Friday already. Friday! Your parents were supposed to come over later in the afternoon so that they could attend the wedding tomorrow. You could give less than a rotten potato on math. The fact that your parents may find out about the bugs and force you back home, was what ate away at you. That whole week had been a whole mess.

James went full panic mode! He couldn't let your parents sleep in the house and risk revealing the truth of his life. That couldn't happen! Never! But to hide an entire room of bugs was easier said than done. Fortunately, James managed to convince them not to sleep over at his house and got them a room at the hotel in town. Understandably, they asked why, but he simply told them some lie about renovations and that only your and his bedroom were still available. It wouldn't work, you just knew that. However, there was no other option.

You and James made sure to put a white sheet like a door to the front of the stairs leading to the second floor so that your parents couldn't see that it was all a lie. You also told all the bugs not to go to the first or ground floor, unless it was absolute urgent. The children didn't agree with it and had no restrains showing it. To not be allowed to sleep in your room! They wouldn't just stand for it! Fortunately, Pale King managed to work something with them and get the situation under control, promising to play with them as much as he could. At his offer, they agreed, but that didn't help you very much. The scent of disaster was just too strong in the air.

"I'm fine." you answered with a faint voice, as you placed your head on the desk, eyes closed.

"Are you sure?" she asked, her eyes filled with worry. They resembled Radiance's so much.

You lifted your head back up and gave her a warm smile.

"Yes. I am just tired. By the way," you added looking around the classroom, "why does everyone read so much for Chemistry?"

"Mrm...Because we have a test?" Anne motioned to the note you made on one of those notebooks you used to write important stuff or draw during break.

Your eyes went wide open as you read the small words that said "Friday- Chemistry test! Don't forget!"

"Shoot! I completely forgot!" you yelled and began to frantically look over the notes and formulas, trying to memorize everything you could.

You just couldn't sit still. The ticking of the old clock in the hall felt like a hammer hitting your head continuously. 5: 45 p.m. Your parents said that they will arrive at 6 o'clock. There were only 15 more minutes left until then. James was gone to work, and he said that he may not be there to welcome them, leaving that task completely on your shoulders.

The bugs were upstairs, being as quiet as possible, except for the bees that were working in the backyard, and some of the weavers and deephunters who were hunting in the attic. Herrah and Vespa promised to be careful and not let your parents see them, not that the bees would have been a problem. Well, maybe they would. It wasn't every day to see huge, fluffy insects, the size of one's fist sitting quietly on one's shoulder, as the guardians have begun to do for a while now, whenever you were out, playing with the children in the garden.

The waiting was unbearable as the minutes were passing by, each second feeling like an eternity. You went to the front yard, the walls and closed air inside the house, nearly suffocating you. Once outside, you inhaled deeply the afternoon air, the coldness from the unexpected snow from last Monday still lingering in the air. You felt so bad when it melted away, leaving only puddles of water and mire in its passing. However, winter was just around the corner. Soon, the entire town would be covered in white and you were eager to see it.

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