Meeting the family

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You were sitting at the table, eyes glued onto the watch of your phone. 8:30. The bus to Gravity Falls would leave in an hour and a half. Time wasn't passing fast enough for you, feeling like a snail struggling to walk from point A to B while having to avoid countless obstacles in the way. You were all too eager to return to Gravity Falls, to see Mabel and Dipper again, let Will reunite with Bill, to explore again. Your mother had to tell you several times already to stop beating your foot against the floor and then yelled at you for tapping your fingers on the glass. You said nothing, the euphoria of being able to stay a little more, still fresh in your mind and you didn't want to upset her when she was the one who gave you such wonderful news. Too bad that in your happiness, you hadn't noticed the disaster about to come, greedy eyes staring at gold and diamonds.

"So, what are we going to do today?" Patrick asked, his question being met with a stern glare from your mother.

She was still mad. You sincerely wanted to congratulate her.

"We don't have much money left. We'll mostly walk around. Doing a bit of sightseeing." your father replied to his brother, then turned his attention to you. "And I want you to come with us."

You nearly chocked on your food.

"No. I...*cough* ...can't." you hit your chest a bit, trying to regain control over your breathing and stop the coughing. "I want to return to Gravity Falls. I need to return something to Dipper." you replied.

It wasn't a lie. You still had his magnetic gun the boy gave you to use while exploring the alien ship. You completely forgot about it and you had to give it back to him along with Will.

"Can't it wait? We came here as a family."

You bitt your tongue, his reply igniting a sparkle of anger inside you. A family. Was that why he allowed your uncle and aunt to walk all over you? Because you were family?

"No. It can't wait." you said and rose from the table. You couldn't stay there for another second, because if you did, you'd definitely say something everyone would regret.

No one stopped you. They didn't dare to. They resumed their conversations, acting as if nothing happened, except for one, continuing to stare at your wrist, until you disappeared out of their sight.

Dreams and wishes don't come true but if they do, they always come with a twist.

"You ok, (Y/N)?" Dipper asked, on the way to Gravity Falls.

He couldn't wait anymore to see you and decided to drive to the hotel and pick you up. A pleasant surprise, even sweeter after the bitterness left behind by the breakfast you had. You gave him a smile, not wanting to burden him with your stupid problems. Why should you anyway? Today was a big day after all. You will introduce your new friends to your bug family! Just the thought was able to wipe any sadness from your mind.

"Yep. Just excited for today. I can't wait for you and Mabel to meet my siblings." you replied, trying not to laugh again.

"Me too. Especially your grandfather. I'm really curious how the Nightmare King is like." he replied, more relieved now, turning his attention to the empty road.

"Will already met him. What did you think about Grandpa, Will?" you asked the triangle resting in your lap, wrapped in one of your shawls.

He looked up, recalling the events of last night with the children chasing them around. He didn't get to spend to much time with the Scarlet Figure, which was the Nightmare King, only made a bit of small talk, the usual greetings and questions that anyone asks on the first meeting. He must have caught the Monarch on a bad day since all of his answers and cherry tone felt forced, trying to mask a deep irritation beneath which the demon knew was not directed towards him, fortunately. Still, despite his bad mood that day, he still did his best to be a great host and the blue triangle couldn't find fault in that.

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