Kitty and baby

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   Their father told them they had a sister, a being not of their kind yet, loving and dear to his heart, just like them. They listened for who knows how many times to the sibling who managed to see her, when the door of their chamber opened for the first time and they sneaked out, curious to see a world so far denied to their eyes. They shared their experience with their other siblings, letting them know of the warmth, of the kindness shown. They wanted to leave, wanted to feel and know what lied beyond that gate. Their father wouldn't allow it, too scared something might hurt them, but he was not the only one who had power over them. Another one came, the day when everything changed, following the little ones, out of curiosity or fear of being lonely, though this one couldn't tell for sure.

Silent they stayed all this time, whenever the light came, their presence they hid so well, none could detect it. Now, pushed by the little ones' desire for freedom, they decided to reveal themselves, bored too by the darkness and hungering for the energy that they could feel pouring through every time that door was opening. They had a form in mind, a creature they heard the King talking about, loved by all yet feared by bugs for its playful nature. It could be fun, or so they thought. There was no harm in trying anyway. A chance to both explore the world and take vengeance on the one who caused the shades so much pain. This form seemed most appropriate in that case. Time to have some fun.

Saturday. You're favorite day of the week when you could sleep as much as you wanted, Mom, Grandpa and the children more than grad to keep you by their side. You opened your eyes a little, the sunlight peering inside your room through the balcony curtains, yet sleep still hung heavy on your eyelids, forcing them close. You took a more comfortable position and was ready to get back to sleep and the scarlet garden. You were half-way there when you heard the door slightly open and soon after, felt something heavy climb on your back. You paid it no attention, thinking it might have been Kuro. He did like to crawl in your arms in your sleep sometimes after all. However, that thought flew out the window when you heard some strange, static noises coming from whatever was on your back. You opened your eyes quickly and got up, trying to see what was going on.

There, on your back, was a strange, huge, black cat with eight bright white eyes, its body looking as if covered in some kind of dark slime which tried to imitate fur. Between their ears were a pair of long horns as well as on the side of their face. You looked at it amazed, trying to think of where it came from.

"Erm...hello?" you said, confused. Wait. Why were you talking to a cat?

The feline looked at you, tilting their head on the side, not making any sound. You spend a few minutes staring at each other like that until Radiance, who had been sleeping by your side in the cat bed with the children, woke up, wondering why you weren't in the dream already.

"(Y/N), dear, why aren't you sleeping?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.

The cat looked at her and it let out a loud, static growl the moment its big white eyes fell on it. The Moth stared at it in shock, freezing at the sight of her ancient enemy, the Void. What were they doing there? Pale King said that they were locked in the basement, even better abandoned in the remains of the old Hallownest. Even more alarming, why were they near you? She tried to move but had no strength to. The fear of having to face her ancient enemy keeping her in place, her mind clouded by concern. If they were to fight now, nothing good would come of it. You would definitely get hurt. She couldn't allow that.

You looked at Radiance and then at the strange feline, and then it downed on you. Cats liked to catch bugs!

"Sorry, little one. This moth is not your toy." you said and moved, trying to get up, which consequently forced the feline to find another spot to sit on and glare at Radiance.

My Crazy YearsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ