New friends

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"What do you mean you didn't look for a hotel?!" your mother shouted; her veins obvious through her skin.

"Calm down, Norah." Patrick responded, as if nothing happened. "We didn't look for a hotel, because we thought you would do it."

"We?!" Norah was about to lose it and hard.

"Norah, keep it down." you father tried to calm your mother, but he was obviously pretty mad himself.

"Yes. You. Why are you so surprised?" Camelia asked in the same nonchalant tone.

"Because we paid for the darn tickets!" your mother shouted, not carrying about the eyes staring at her from the startled, curious and bored people.

She turned to your father, rage clear in her eyes.

"Was that the deal? Did you lie to me again? We came here to be their piggy bank?! Is that it?!" she screamed, her face growing more and more red.

You stopped paying them attention, fiddling with the bracelets on your arm, while sitting on the sidewalk together with your cousin and sisters, praying for all of this to end already. It was late and you felt Mom call you to join her in the Dream, but with the current situation going on, you couldn't take the chance, no matter how much you longed for her company. You looked at your parents arguing while your uncle and aunt were simply staring at them, Camelia making snarky remarks about your mother being selfish and what not. Oh! If only Grandpa was there to put the fear of God into her again. No. Better not bother him with such idiots. He had better things to do.

"Are we going to sleep on the street tonight?" Vlad asked, his voice faint like a whisper.

"I don't know." you answered, getting up and stretching your arms.

You needed to move least you wanted to fall prey to the sweetness of sleep. You began to walk around, trying to get far enough to not hear the arguments anymore yet still be visible. No need to worry anyone again. The dark parking lot had an eerie feeling dominating over it as fewer and fewer cars remained around. You looked around; eyes attracted by the bright city lights. Though the beginning was less than desirable, maybe America wouldn't be so bad.

In the end, after two hours of arguing and screaming, your parents decided to drop the matter, at least for that night, and took you all to look for a hotel where you could sleep in peace. They had to pay, of course, as it turned out Patrick had brought only enough money to afford his wife and child to have fun. Your mother was about to start it all over again, but Rea managed to calm her down in time. However, your father had to sleep in a room by himself, as Norah refused to share one with him, still feeling angry and betrayed. You and your sisters sighed, knowing that it was going to be along night. You hoped Radiance wouldn't mind offering her a more peaceful sleep.

The next morning, breakfast was carried in a solemn manner, your mother still mad at your father's lie, albeit more relaxed thanks to the Light's spell, making her have dreams that helped her forget her stress at least for a while. You were still struggling to wipe a smile off your face, still gleeful after listening to Pale Kind's nervous talk about your uncle and aunt's behavior. For once, he forgot all about being polite and set on a tirade about how rude and egoistical those two were, completely baffled at their audacity and complete lack of manners, with Radiance and you nodding and agreeing despite him, not even taking the time to look at you, too busy pacing around the golden room with clouds for walls and glowing diamonds floating through the air. Oh! Your mother should have seen him. But inviting her into your dream wasn't possible without questions being raised and the truth exposes. Nobody could allow that.

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