Triangles and Dreams

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You stepped back a little, not sure about what should surprise you more, the fact that there was a blue, one eyed triangle in your backpack or that it was talking, begging you not to hurt him

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You stepped back a little, not sure about what should surprise you more, the fact that there was a blue, one eyed triangle in your backpack or that it was talking, begging you not to hurt him. You raised your hands in the air, in a sign of peace, slowly approaching the little fella.

"H-hey." You said, feeling the need to slap yourself in the face at the stupid greeting that came out of your mouth.

The triangle answered not, trembling even more now, tears forming at the corners of his eye.

Great. What have you gotten yourself into again?

Will was scared beyond words, having found himself in this strange environment, far away from home. This was all Bill's fault. He was the one who pushed Will into that backpack, calling it a prank. He was supposed to jump out of the it when he felt movement, scaring whoever was carrying it. Needless to say that the blue triangle could not do such a thing, too scared to even say a word and hoping that he would somehow get away from there, without anyone noticing, but judging from the constant sound of voices and the moving of the backpack, the chances to escape were next to zero. Thus he could do nothing but embrace himself and wait for the moment to be found, but despite the preparation and knowing that there was no other way, he was still scared.

Still trembling, vision blurry from tears, he looked at the girl, noticing faint, scarlet and golden lights glowing from her wrists, a power alike his yet much, much stronger emanating from it. Just who was this girl?

When she talked, despite her calm tone, he couldn't help but tremble even more in fear, feeling tears begin to form. He tried to gather himself, to face it like Bill would, oh! how Will missed him now! Still hesitant and with his voice shaking, he managed to speak.


At least he was talking now. You sighed and slowly sat down on the bed opposite of the one you were sharing with your sister, May, where the blue triangle was, his eye following his every move.

"Um...My name is (Y/N). You?" you asked, trying to adopt a more cheerful tone.

"W-Will. N-Nice to meet you." he said, beginning to relax a bit.

"W-Would you like some tissues? For the eye I mean." you pointed at it while getting up to look for a tissue box Rea left in the bathroom.

"Y-Yes. Thank you very much, miss Light."

Light? Another nickname for your list apparently. Still, it made you smile as you found the box and went to hand it to Will. He was rather cute and really well-behaved as far as you could tell, from this little conversation. You sat down again, waiting for him to wipe his tears.

"Are you feeling better?" you asked when he was done.

"Yes. Thank you." he answered, a bit more cheerful now.

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