Family reunion. Part 1. Those whom I miss

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The church program ended up surprisingly quickly, shortly after the small presentation of the children ended. Every year it was the same scene being played, but always viewed from a different angle or with new lines added. It was certainly nice to watch and listen to their songs. As the show began, you recalled the years when you too participated.

Truth be told, you were never a fan of getting on stage and performing in front of an audience, despite having great respect for the art of theatre even before you met Grimm and his troupe. It was the stress and the constant scolding for not getting the notes perfect enough from the teachers that killed it for you. The performances were also pretty dull, and the children lacked the emotions required by the roles they were playing. You recalled the time when two boys had to act as two angels, Gabriel and Tymon. As the first angel was about to leave and inform Maria of her pregnancy, the later begged him to take him along, but was refused as he had another task to be bestowed upon him. The little boy playing Tymon had no future in theatre that was for sure. There was no genuine emotion in his lines, all of them being delivered with a somewhat forced tone of begging and his body language betrayed boredom and the desire to be anywhere else but there.

Granted, you were no film director but to witness such an afront to a beautiful art as acting was hard to bear. Did that boy never beg him parents for anything? Could he not recall the feeling of wanting something so much one was willing to do anything to get it? Had he never experienced such desires? You wanted to go and begin coordinating the whole thing, but you knew you wouldn't be allowed too. The teachers didn't have faith in the children when it came to act for obvious reasons and thus, they had to make do with a somewhat low performance, lacking in the feelings and power the play required. To require more than it was possible would only make the little rascals who were already complaining about the whole thing even more troublesome. And just like that you had to bite your lips looking at the scene that could have been so much more wonderful if only more emotions were put into it.

While acting was pardoned because of the lack of talent, the songs had to be perfect. No mistakes admitted. The worst part? They always picked the hardest carols to sing in the context when most of you only sang during church and had no other preparation or skill for music. Those were the times you disliked most from the whole show. Complaining got you nowhere. Just shut up and do as told.

You were honestly glad to be rid of having to participate in these shows given how you were living in another town now and couldn't come to the rehearsals at all, but you still enjoyed watching them. The teachers had stopped trying to do anything too extravagant, opting for something simple yet well at the children's level as there weren't too many teenagers or 12-years old left in the Sunday school, but a bunch of preschoolers. Good for them. There was beauty even in the simplest of things.

Pure and Ghost enjoyed the show as well, while Hornet was constantly shifting in your lap, eager to start exploring the church and see what every room had to offer. Grimmchild was sleeping, perched between his friend's horns, Broken and Flower munching on some tangerines you brought along. You were sitting in the last row from the balcony, where there were fewer people, much to your surprise. Given that it was the children's special day, you were expecting the rows too be almost full just like the previous years. Well, that meant you could relax and allow the little bugs to watch the program in peace, without fearing being disturbed or seen by someone. Still, that didn't ease you enough to let the princess run around as she pleased. Oh, no. Not in a million years.

You were on your way to one of your aunt's houses where the family gathering was held, right after church ended. Your family went home to change the Sunday clothes even though neither you or your sisters wanted to go, and the children refused to be left home alone. However, refusal wasn't an option for anyone. Not even your mother who made it clear that she didn't want to go but your father insisted and so she had no other choice. Your sisters were each absorbed by their own phones and paid no attention to the slight movement in your muffler. Grimmchild and Ghost were hiding in your hair, watching the scenery move around you. Hornet was held by Pure tight so that she wouldn't run around while Broken and Flower were sleeping peacefully in the soft wool of the muffler. You tried not to move and disturb them, while also praying that nobody would notice the little bugs. You hoped that everything will be fine, and nobody will notice the little creatures... and that Hornet will stay put but given how trouble loved to show itself when you least wanted it to, you could bet that day will be a living nightmare, no offense to Grandpa.

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