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   "I think she may have a fever." Herrah said, placing a hand on the girl's burning forehead though she could feel her high temperature from where she stood.

   "There are some medicine in the kitchen cabinet. Vespa, could one of your wasps go and get it please?" The White Lady asked the bee queen, drawn to the salon by the commotion together with some of her servants.

   "Sure. The one on the left?"

  "Yes. The top shelf. Thank you very much." the Higher Being replied and returned her attention to James' niece.

   The Pale King was arguing with the Radiance in a screaming match and Grimm was trying to call James, but the storm outside must have caused a blackout since not even the lights were turning on. The vessels were fussing around the sleeping girl, with Pure trying to calm them down. They couldn't help but feel guilty, since she fainted soon after seeing them.

   "Will you stop screaming and help us already?!" Herrah shouted at the Wyrm and the Moth, losing her patience already. She had to fight the urge to wrap them in her silk and kick them out in the rain.

   "Leave them be, dear. They wouldn't be of help anyway." Vespa told the spider, looking at the two Higher Beings. Were they always like that? Ugh! If only James were here.

   He had to leave that morning because of some problems at his workplace. They didn't know when he would return. The Pale King warned him about this, but as usual he didn't listen. That man was such a brat. Were it not for Vespa and the other bees, the plants would have died off, withering from the lack of water. Still, he did his best to take care of the bugs, she had to give him that.

  The White Lady thought of James as a very lonely man. His family didn't understand his love for the supernatural and some shunned him away, judging him harshly and calling him crazy. Well, he was a bit weird to a certain extent, but that didn't affect his kindness and caring nature. When he heard about his niece's accident, he was unable to sleep from worrying about her. She was like him. An outcast in their family for the simple fact that she was different. There was no way he could just leave her alone. If no one was by his side back when he needed it, then he would be there for her. He kept on searching for anything that may help, from legal advice to supernatural objects that had the power to ward off evil.

   Fearing that he may go on another life-threatening adventure, the bugs convinced him to have (Y/N) live with them. She could study at the high school in town and Monomon was more than eager to help her out. Plus, the house could always use an additional pair of helping hands. James was not the most organized man in the world. In the end, he agreed to bring the girl over only if she gave her consent as well. Everyone held their breath when he went to discuss the matter with her parents, even the Pale King who claimed that whether or not there would be a new face around would be all the same to him. However, the White Lady knew that he wanted (Y/N) to come both out of curiosity and compassion for the poor being. The Wyrm could keep up a cold façade as much as he wanted, but he couldn't fool his wife.

   When James came back, his expression was as sour as a lemon, and they feared things didn't go well.

   "What happened, James?" the Pale King asked, everyone being all ears.

   "(Y/N) will come on September the 8th. We need to get things in order by then. I think the bedroom on the first floor will do." he said, and his voice sounded so weak.

   "Why do you sound so down? Isn't that a good thing?" Herrah asked, looking at the other bugs and reading their expressions. They were just as confused as she was.

   "It's just that..." he began, fighting to find his words, "... her parents are forcing her to. I know it's because they think it will do her good but... it wasn't their choice. It was HERS! And they just took it.... I... Sorry. Let's just get to work. September is right around the corner."

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