I miss her.

"Earth to Archie!" Jay laughed and slapped me harsh on my back. 

"Ow you bloody cunt!" I shouted. 

He laughed again," Chill out mate, what's on your mind I could hear those cogs turning." 

I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck," Just miss her is all, seein' the lot together like this with one piece missin just makes me miss her more ya know." 

Jay nodded and gripped my shoulder," Don't even worry about it mate, I'm sure that if she really is in town, nothing will keep the Night Wings apart being so close together." 

I smiled," Shut it."

"Nah, I like pissing you off." Jay sighed happily and stretched out," Archie, the Night Wings will be together again. You know that yeah?" 

I nodded," Yeah, nothing can keep these girls apart."

"Any of us apart mate, we'll join them again soon and when that happens... We'll be home." 

I smiled softly and nodded," Yeah, you're right." 

"Alright, and that is a wrap, see you girls tomorrow!" 

The four laughed happily and rushed to get changed out. 

I chuckled and shook my head, they are crack heads without the crack.

"Man those crack heads." Jay sighed, a wide smile plastered on his face. 

I laughed," Yeah, they sure are. But they are our crack heads." 

Jay nodded and wrapped an arm around me," They are missing one very important thing though..." 

"What's that?" I smirked. 

"The biggest fucking crack heads in the world." He sighed, placing a hand against his chest and looking up," Shall we?" 

I sighed and hummed," Fuck yeah." 

Together we rushed into the room and for lack of a better word, attacked them. 

"Put me down!"

"Not happening!"

"If you don't give that back!"

"Try and reach it!" 



The room was filled with chaos the minute we entered, but they were laughing and having a great time none the less as they chased us around or wiggled to get out of our grasps. This was home, these girls were home. 

"Alright, knock it off!" Cece screeched," Do you have no fucking sense of dignity?!" 

The room went still as we looked at her. 

"No not really." Jay smirked," I am ok with that, how 'bout you Arch?" 

I hummed and tapped my chin," I really don't mind." 

The girls laughed and shook their heads. 

"What is this dignity word?" Jay sighed, overly using his accent. 

I hummed in an exaggerated fashion," I think it's a weird word used by..." I looked around and ducked low," Normal people." 

A wave of gasps entered the room and hushed nonsense whispers before bursting out in laughter. 

Cece stood there, fuming with her arms crossed tight across her chest. 

"Oh loosen up you bloody bitch." I groaned, I really didn't like this girl," You aren't all the go round here alright, you just blew in here. Truth is you ain't got a buckley's chance to become one of these girls if you've got that stick in you arse all the time. "

The girls snickered, knowing what I had told Cece. 

"What?" Cece scoffed," What did you just say?"

I smiled," Well, if you were in any way smart. You would know."

"Alright mate that's enough earbashin' alright," Jay chuckled," Why don't we take you girls down to the pool. It's a great place to hang out." 

"Can you Aussies lay off the lingo a tad bit, it's been a while ya know." Josie laughed. 

I chuckled and nodded," Right, sorry."

We left the girls to their own and left once they were ready, the car was rowdy and filled with laughter, small insults, singing and just what the usual was when you were with this lot. Piling out of the car, the girls were surprised by the oasis plain that they saw. 

"Wow, this is awesome!" Angie laughed," but why would you have the ocean and a pool?" 

"For surfers to do their thing without risk of hurting a couple tots." Jay explained, draping his arm around her shoulders," Why don' you girls head down to the changing rooms and Archie and I will grab us a spot." 

The girls agreed and after being pointed in the right direction left us to find a decent space for us to lounge. 

"It's nice being around them again." Jay sighed, a smile on his face. 

I nodded," It really is, but for fucks sake, that Cece is just ugh..." 

"Party crasher is what that one is. Sucks to have on a big night like this one." Jay laughed. 

I nodded and helped him set up for the girls," Really does though." 

After a couple of moments, the girls came back down to us and sat in the sun for a while. Enjoying their leisure time with Jay and I. 


My ears perked up," Shut it..." 

"What?" Cece hissed.

"Shut up..." I bit back, looking around listening intently. 

"Who the hell-"

"Shut the fuck up will you." I hissed. 

"Will you stop that!" 

The girls perked instantly at the second yell. 


"Hyung!" Ale shouted, pointing excitedly. 

I laughed and together we rushed over. 

"Oi! Idol!" I shouted. 

Euca looked around at the call, confused and lost. 

"언니!" The girls screamed happily. 

Her eyes landed on us and she clasped her hands over her mouth, eyes wide with joy and disbelief. 

"Small world eh?!" I laughed, jumping up onto the pool platform," Nice to see you again." 

"Archer?" She laughed. 

I nodded and smiled wide," Look a little different?" 

"Older, and your hair is longer." She smiled walking up to me. 

"Come on now, I'm no stranger am I?" I chuckled. 

She giggled and hugged me tight. 

Suddenly everything felt alright. For once in almost a year, things felt right... Man what the Night Wings can do...

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