tagged (not an update)

186 2 2

I've been tagged

1) What's the worst name to give to a child?
Uhhhhh i dont even know wtf

2) What's the best inspirobot you've ever gotten?
I don't do that mate

3) What's the funniest name you've ever heard?
I don't socialise

4) What would your five year old self do if they found themselves in your body?
Take my cat and dress him up

5) If animals could talk, wich would be the rudest?
Probably monkeys tbh

6) What's the most ridiculous fact you know?
That I'm alive

7) The Internet in one sentence?
My life and only friends.

8) What would the world be like if there were only male and female (AND NONBINARY) copies of you?

9) What's the worst thing the government can make illegal?
Being who you want and who you are (forbidding two boys marrying etc.)

10) If peanut butter wasn't called peanut butter, what would you name it?
Nut spray

11) If you were wrongly put in an asylum, what would you do to convince them you're sane?
Say that I'm insane

12) Toilet paper; under or over?
Who cares no shit sherlock

Imma tagggg


I hope y'all are still active, and if not sorry for ping

Also I'm apologising for the lack of updates recently, but I just got a laptop and fall break is coming up so expect at least 2 new books from me to read :,)

Crap but mostly HermitcraftWhere stories live. Discover now