"I know J. I know... This is just how she works. She needs to break in order to come back. I know it's hard to watch but, it just needs to happen ok?" I muttered, pulling her into my lap to avoid hurting her or myself," It'll all be ok soon. I promise."

Josie nodded and sighed.

I could tell that a heavy burden was lifted from those two words. I chuckled softly and held her there for a few moments before we headed back inside with the others.

The atmosphere was still low but nonetheless it was lighter than it has been in a while. The girls were gathered, just laughing low with each other. Sharing small things. Joseph and I sat on the sidelines to let them be with each other. Although two members were missing, Angelica and Euca. They had been out on a run for a while now, in hopes to lift Euca's spirits a little bit more. So far the morning and afternoon runs have been helping take her mind off of everything.

It seemed like everything was going to be ok now.

"Man, it's been a while, seeing them like this." Joe sighed and leaned back.

I nodded and smiled," Slowly but surely, they are getting better."

"The heart is the most fragile thing, and therefore the hardest to heal." He muttered.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head," You know, that whole messing with my head thing needs to stop."

Joe laughed and shook his head as he crossed his arms," Not happening."

I smiled," Yeah, yeah..."

Joe grew quiet, so did the girls. This weight... something happened, and it isn't good. I sat forward, my breathing growing scarce as my senses began to peak.

The girls were silent and looking at each other, their eyes saying the same thing. What happened?

Josie looked at me, fear in her eyes.

All I could do was nod, to try and reassure her that everything was going to be ok.

Ale found herself edging away from the door, and towards Joseph and I. Josie following close after.

That's when it happened, Angie rushed in, her eyes wide and her chest rising and falling at an alarming rate.

"Something bad happened you guys. And... I can't find Euca."

"What?" We all breathed and stood.

Angie looked down and shook her head," We stopped for some water and she got a phone call. The next thing I knew... she was bolting in the opposite direction. I tried to catch up to her but... with her head start and whatever that phone call was. She was not stopping any time soon."

We all exchanged a look and nodded, each of us taking a different area. Joe and I taking our cars to search a bit further than the rest.

"Has anyone found her?" I asked as I drove around.

"No Duke, if we had we would have fucking said!" Angie snapped," Sorry... just... I'm the one who lost her..."

"Don't worry, we'll find her." I sighed," Snap at me all you want if it makes you feel better."

"Nothing on my end either."

"How far could she have gotten?"

I bit my lip and slammed my hands on the steering wheel," Dammit!"


"The house, no one is covering the house!" I snapped.

Almost immediately, all five of us rushed back to the house.

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