♠Child!Inosuke X Reader!Child♠

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Requested by @Shilluka

Enjoy Reading!!


"Jii-san, when do you think Onii-san will come home??" The little girl asked as she tiredly continued to read on a book, her eyes barely opening.

Her grandfather just shrugged and continued whatever he was doing, the little girl sighed and put away the book she was currently reading.

She stood up and went to her room, and rested on the bed as she waited paitently for her older brother.



A loud scream from outside, echoed throughout the whole house, making the little girl jolt wide awake from her peaceful sleep. She heard her brother's shouts and was immediatly worried.

She had never heard her brother shout at their grandfather, so she had thought that they were fighting.
She ran towards her grandfather and brother, in hopes of stopping their fight. But once arriving, she couldn't comprehend what she was seeing.

A baby was walking with a freaking boar hat..

She leaned against the doorframe and panted heavily, due to her running from before.

"Oh! (Name) look at what Jii-san invied to the hou-!?" Her brother tried to explain but was cuted off quickly by squealing very loudly causing her brother to cover his ears.

"SO CUTE!!!💓" The little girl ran towards the baby and hugged him tight, tighter than her brother's bone crushing hugs. "(Name) stop!!" She didn't listen and continued hugging the baby until she felt a piece of paper stuck on the baby's diaper.

"Inosuke.. Hashibira.." She muttered quietly, before releasing the baby and went quiet. Though her brother was still ranting over how the baby should go.

The little girl looked at boar hatted baby before an idea popped unto her mind. She smirked whilst sneaking up on the baby before suprisingly− almost immediatly− took the boar hat off the baby and took a good look on the baby.

But when she does, she nor her brother couldn't comprehend the baby's features.

"A GIRL?!?!??"

Both siblings shouted while their grandfather kept quiet and secretly enjoyed his grandchildrens reactions, though he himself is shock to discover the baby's feminine features.

"But it has a boyish name?!!" The little girl's brother pointed and accusing finger towards the baby, only to get swatted by his younger sister.
He was of course, shocked by his sister's actions and went towards her with his hand sassily placed on his hips.

"Why the hell did you do that, (Name)?!" The little girl just did the same as her brother and put her arm around the baby protectively. "This is a person and you call it an 'It'??!! How disrespectful!!" She yelled at her brother before turning around and picked the baby, despite it being very heavy.

"This baby needs to live whether you like it or not!!" She puts down the baby due to heaviness and went towards her brother. Her brother just scoffed and walked away, but as he was doing that, the baby ran towards him and kicks him in the... crotch.


The little girl nervously rub the back of neck as she heard her brother fell and whimper while the baby did nothing but threw rocks at her brother.

"D-da-damn th-that b-b-baby... he.. he.. he needs to−!!"

The baby once more, stepped on her brother's... you know the word.. and whimper louder. (Name) just watched her brother, before calling the little baby towards her.

"That... that was very brave.. I guess but hey, at least he won't be bullying you or telling to leave seeing how strong you are." She smiled warmly at the baby, and despite being a child herself, she had some good attitude and great self-esteem.

The little baby just stared at (Name), seeing tiny little bubbles near his face, along with a visible blush on his cheeks. The little girl held out a hand towards him, crouching down to his level, smiling warmly at him once more.

"Welcome to the family, Inosuke!"

⋰⋰ ☂ (ृ ˘ ꒳ ˘  ृ  )ु  ⋱⋱
Word Count: 673

Sorry for the late updates, I've been very busy with exams lately and I haven't wrote a single story yet.
Well, since now it is our sembreak, I wanted to make up for my faults, by updating during that time. Anyways, Please vote, comment💞💞

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