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Brai's POV

We were at mcdonalds currently stuffing our faces with oily fries at 4:25 pm. I was having an amazing time and the only thing bugging me was my job but I didnt want to ruin the moment so i didnt bring it up. "What?" Niall asked


"You were staring at me. Any problem? "

"Oh no ! Not at all just im really enjoying today thankyou so much Niall"

He just smiled wide at me and I swear that smile nearly killed me. Soon we were done eating and niall paod the bills amd we back in the car driving to who knows where. "Niall where we goin now?"

"A surprise, we're goin somewhere which is really special to me oh and also its an hour away from here so you're gonna need this" he said as he reached his hand to the back seat and pulled out a grey hiking bag. I chuckled at him and unzipped the bag to find it filled with at least a hundred cds bags of doritos a jar of nuttella and a pillow. I love this guy. I just looked up to him with an ear to ear grin plastered on my face. He chuckled and shook his head. "You're the best" I said lowly as I pulled out an album of their own, midnight memories. I pulled the cd out of the case and inserted it into the the player and sokn we were singing you & I on the top of our lungs. Six songs and a bag of doritos later we stopped at a gas station because niall wanted to pee. I wwnt to the loo too and fixed my hair and makeup and went back to the car again. Once again we were singing in top of our lungs but this time it was taylor swift. I put the pillow under my head and lowered the seat a little I was so sleepy but because I was having so much fun I didnt want to sleep so niall and I sang more songs and ate more doritos. Long grass covered the grounds on the either sides of the road and we soon stopped at a cleared patch which had a single cabin and a ladder which connected to the roof of the cabin. We climbed on the top of the cabin and there laid a dusty acoustic guitar, a duffel bag (which he took out from the car when they came here) and a pillow. "It was back in 2012 when we had our first tour visit here in newyork and after the concerts I would get a lot of hate so I came here and cleared my thoughts up a bit by playing this guitar and its been lying here since then. When ever I came to newyork I would visit this place and its very special to me and you're the first person ive shown this place to" I listened as I sat on the top staring at the three shaded sky ahead of us the sun was setting and niall had his arm draped around my shoulders. Thats when I thought would be perfect to tell him about the job. I turned around and crossed my legs so I was facing him "Niall, we're leaving tonight for london right?"

"Yes babe ! I am so excited to go back home and dont worry we'll be at the airport on time and liam will take care of our luggage"

"About that, niall what about my job, I can't go back to London its everything ive ever dreamt of"

"But what if I tell you that you didn't get a job in newyork"

"What? No ! That's impossible I got the call"

"Well what if I say you're fired"

"Wait what the hell I'm confused"

"What I'm saying is that you got a job in VOGUE LONDON"


"well I called el for some advice for our date and she told me how much you loved the fact that you got a job in newyork vogue and that no matter how hard I tried you wouldnt come back to london so I went to vougue newyork and lets say after a bit persuasion they gave you a job of the same post but a different country with 25% increased salary"

The words slipped out of his mouth and I stared at him in awe and all of a sudden I crushed him in a bear hug and we nearly fell off the rooftop. Thankyoi was the inly thing that left my mouth. He chuckled and stood up pulling me up with him. His arms slid across my waist and I slid mine around his neck "Brailey, you amaze me I love you so much be my girlfriend please?" His face dangerously close to mine as he said those words and I couldnt keep it in "Yes ! Niall yes !" I replied as I hugged him tighter. He pulled apart and picked up the duffel bag and took out something from it turning away from me. I saw him take a lighter out of his pocket and suddenly an orange light shown from behind him he turned around holding a float lantern in his hand. He came closer and wrapped an arm around my shoulder as he made me hold the lantern along with him. "Here's to the best day of my life" he said "iloveyou niall horan" I said as we left the latern in the sky watching it wander away. He turned to me cupping my face in his hands and his face came closer and closer to mine amd soon our lips molded together igniting my body as my hands wandered in his hair. We pulled apart his forehead resting on mine as we stared into each others eyes huge grins in our faces. "I love you" he whispered as he pecked my lips.


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