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Brai's POV

That piece of shit just didnt do that. He walked away like a bitch. Fuck you simon cowell. "Brai?" Niall said placing a hand kn my shoulder his voice cracking making millions of butterflies swarming in my tummy. "What?!" I snapped at him "Sorry" he said looking down immidietly my mood softened. "Its not your fault" he looked up and i could see the tiniest hint of smile playing on his pink lips. "Brai? do it for me?" he looked at me with pleading eyes. "please" he squeeked and I gave in "Fine"

and before I knew it I was enveloped in a bone crushing horan hug. It felt amazing. "thankyou" he whispered and my knees went wobbly good thing he was still holding me or else i wouldve fallen and made a fool out of my self.

"c'mon lets go get some food and head home" Niall said getting out of the door I followed him walking into the endless hallway and then suddenly he stopped and turned around making me bump into his chest he held my hands in his and stared in my eyes. "Brai?" "yea?" my voice came out more as a squeek. " Do you still love me?"

Did I? ofcourse I did more than before but im scared if i admit my love to him again he'd turn into what he was before.

"No Niall I don't you were a monster to me back then i lost all love for you as a boyfriend when you spat at me" I could see the pained look in his eyes but I shook it off and followed niall as he nodded slighty and started walking out the building.

Nialls POV:

"I don't"

well then fuck you and your little already beat up arse.

whatttttttttt?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?! what does that fuck you mean? :0


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