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JaCovey pov

After August drops me off. I knock on the door and my mama answer." Jacovey watcha doing here?", she asks with her hand on her hip and her head slightly tilted.

"I came to get clothes , shower , maybe food and twenty dollars.", I replied biting my bottom lip.

"come on in", she said motioning me to come in.After I took a shower and brush my teeth and pack me a tooth brush and tooth paste ,some clothes I fix me some food and then I ask her for twenty dollars.

"you can spend the night but just for tonight you gotta go in the morning.",my mother replied in a warning tone biting her bottom lip as if she wants to say something more.

" ok ma thank you", I give her a hug and kiss before I get in my old bed and go to sleep.

Next day

I get up early ,eat breakfast, flat iron my hair and leave. I had a long day today and I don't get out of class til ten tonight.

August pov

I just got home and all I wanna do is go to sleep. I take a shower, change my clothes ,and get in the bed just when I get comfortable I gotta call. I can't get no peace

" helluh", I bark into the phone.

" we got some nigga tryna putta hit out on you", Chris  replies in a "whateverish" tone

"Chris find out who the nigga is and get back to me iight.",I said tiredly.

I hung up the phone and went to sleep. I woke up bout nine got changed and went to the trap.

At the trap

I walk in to see niggas chill on my sofa and shit. So I pull out my gun and I shoot in the celling scaring them bitches.

"why the fuck y'all sitting down for. I don't pay y'all asses to chill on the couch let this shit happen again and that's y'all life do yall understand?",I demand. They all noded I had to calm down. They must' ve forgot.

" nod at me again", I said sternly glaring at them.

" yes sir boss", they all said in unison.

I sweah nigguhs these days have no respect. I walk to the back and saw Shawn and  nem in deep discussion.

"what yall talking bout?", I ask. They shut up quick.

"what all yall nigguhs got hush mouth now?", I inquire slamming my hands on the table.

"nawl we went threw the stash and yo money looking funny some off we tryna figure out who did it", elsir said nervously 

" I can't trust no one ",I mumble looking down. "where chris?"

"he went to get answers about that niggah who gotta hit on you", Shawn  said less nervous

"iight I want answers the next time I come", I walk out, got in my car and rolled out . I look at the clock it's just going on ten . I turn up the radio and just take a ride to clear my mind.

JaCovey pov

I just got out of class and I start my journey to find somewhere to sleep tonight. Just when I start walking, it started raining ain't this about a bitch.I kept walking and to think I thought I was gonna be able to keep my straight hair. Thank you rain for killing it for me . I continue to wal k when I heard........

" jacovey?", the familiar voice questions.

" hmmmmmmm", I reply turning around to see that it's August. I notice the look he had on his face when I said that so I correct myself." yesssss", I said kinda annoyed folding my arms.

"what the hell you doing walking in the rain?", he yells while gripping the steering wheel.

"long story", I said rolling my eyes about to continue my walk.

" get in", he demands looking aggravated his seats are getting wet.

" you did alot yesterday", I said reasoning with him.

" I ain't stutter woman get in ", he demands again.

"ok ", I said meekly looking down

"you going to yo ma house ?" He said turning on the heat.

"no", I state looking down still.

"where you going then?", he questions making his accent come out

" I-I don't know", I stutter out looking away from him.

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