chapter 18

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"You are NOT pregnant.", he tells me putting emphasis on not. I felt relief wash over me." Are you sure ?", I question to make sure I heard right. He nods inreassurance.Aug still looks like he doesn't believe him." so how do you explain her symptoms?", he asks stroking his chin.

" stress so I prescribe her to take off from work for a little while. Well if you have any question you can ask the nurse if not you can leave.", he explains politely.

I was happy I wasn't pregnant and I know August was too cause he not ready for baby just like I'm not to have another one. Skaists is only 11months and August son Brandon is 3 so that's already a hand full and on top of that people know about Brandon because of his mama big mouth. August paying her to be quiet but she like Brandon been on the dark too long and dah dah dah but I'm like the world don't even know that skaists daddy is August like be considerate of what he's say and be grateful for the money he giving like come on but its not my place to check her so I'm not ion need that stress on me. So we walked out , buckled skaists in , then began to go to the cheese cake factory cause the crew gone be there. So we the radio on and we heard August babymama up there having an interview.

Shay: well August didn't know bout his behbey so that don't make him a bad father

Bb: so what made you not tell him you had his baby

Shay: he left! He left and I couldn't find him until recently.

Bb: so what's the deal between y'all?

Shay: nun we just parents

Bb: so what happened?

Shay: well we were together but it didn't work out and he left and then a few months after I found out I was pregnant I couldn't get in touch with him.

Bb: Do you see y'all getting back together?

Shay: nope he got a girlfriend and she his other behbeymama or whatever

Bb: so if you could be with him would you ?

Shay: nope ian like all dese other behbey mamas who still want they behbey daddy and be like they want him and they be like if I can't have you then all I want is for you to have a relationship with my Chile. ............ LIES they tell ian even gone front yeah my son need his daddy but I want the money call me a gold digger or whetever but ion care this juh how feel.

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