chapter 16

374 15 5

August POV

I'm starting to perform in different areas and I've been busy and so has jay more people want her to do photo shoots for them and she even suppose to star in a movie. I think its called ATL. But anyway I've been talking to my manger and publicist and they told me something that I know jay won't like and I have been putting off not telling her for a week . I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place because I've been working on tryna be famous since before I meant jay but now that I got her I don't wanna let her or skaists go. I'm so confused so I think the best thing for me to do is just tell her the truth and let it all out and hopefully she'll be ok with it . So I decide to take jay out to the park or somewhere seclude to tell her. I call my ma up and told her to keep skaists for a little and told jay to get dress. I get home, take a shower and get dress by the time I was finished jay was putting in ha earrings.

"hey bae.", I greet her kissing her lips.

"Hey but where are we going though.", she asks while wiping ha lip gloss offa my lips.

"don't worry about it but how was work.", I say quickly changing the subject.

"It's kinda stressful having to remember all them lines but how was the meeting?", She asks flipping her hair a little.

"it was good.", I tell her suddenly feeling sad.

"ok that's good but I'm ready na we should get going.", She says grabbing my hand.

"yeah we should.", I reply leading her to the car.We got in the car and started listening to songs but instead of going threw with it I decide to get mya. Once I get her I drive to this nice place that has a lake and I didn't notice it because I am deep in thought til jay points it out.

"Bae that's you!",she squeals and dances she turns up the music.As I listen to it. It is me and I was surprised.

"Man I love this man I love this man I love it .....its two o'clock and faded got a voicemail on my phone from a lil breezy feeling Xrated she told a nigguh she hurting I walk into my bedroom I put it down that's certain.", Jay sings along dancing in the chair.

" You sing it better me.",I say laughing at her. She pops her imaginary collar,"I heard it so many times I can mimic every note you sing."

"sure you can you can't be like me.",I say flexing.She pushes me a little. "Whateva.", she laughs out. We pull up. We get out and put skaists into her stroller. We walk around the lake and look at the trees and clouds while Mya points things.

"Ma tree!", Mya yells pointing.

"Yes tree yay very good.", she says clapping and smiling at Mya.

"yaaaaaaayyy!", she mimicked her  clapping her hands too.It made me smile seeing them interact together.
"she's soo smart I think we should start that lil baby reading thing.", Jay says looking at me."We can if you want too.",I say lowly. Jay's facial expression drops."What's wrong?", She asks seriously. I stare at her a little."What do you mean?", I  question staring at her.

She shakes her head a little before replying,"your just really quiet."

"It's something on my mind.", I tell her avoiding I contact.

"you wanna talk about it.?", She suggests looking at me . I nod my head yes. "Let's go sit on them benches first.", I tell her. We walk over there and sat down I couldn't help but stare at her.

"Why are you staring at me?", She asks while blushing. She pushes a piece of hair behind her ear. I smile alittle." I couldn't help myself.", I explain to her.She smiles and rolls her eyes," Tell me."

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