Special Edition

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(I wanted to give you guys a special thing for the upcoming 2 year anniversary of this story on October 20th! So here's to all the people that read it from the beginning to end)

Two Years Later

Harry was reading a letter from Ibrahim, grinning to himself before turning to Kayla. "Ibrahim sent me a memory of the Sorting. Want to watch it?

"Of course! We need to get everyone to watch it." Kayla grinned, helping Harry stand. The poor bespectacled young man was pregnant again with what was hopefully his last set of children in a long time. "Multiples must be somewhere in Sirius' family tree, yeah? Cause from what I remember of my history, the Potters tend to have maybe twins once every couple of generations. Like your grandfather Fleamont and his twin Charlus."

"We can ask him. Twins. Again." Harry sounded so aggrieved which was contradicted by the amused grin on his face.

"We all know the Weasleys are very fertile too." Kayla snickered.

"Plus you're a twin yourself." Harry led the way to the dueling room. His Grandfather had been famous for his dueling skills alongside his potion skills. He used his wand to signify they were there since they couldn't enter the room while pregnant. "Abe sent us a memory of the Sorting."

"Oh cool." Charlie grinned, wiping his sweaty face. He had been transferred to the Welsh Dragon Reserve when his set of twins were four. He came out of the dueling room and went to kiss his wife and pouted when she sidestepped him.

"No, you are all gross right now." Kayla laughed, performing a hygiene charm on her husband before being dipped in a kiss.

Hary grinned and hugged his sweaty men. "We die like men! Sweaty lovers and all!"

"Gross. Did I tell you about Charlie making me puke when he ate a ham sandwich?" Kayla snickered as they pulled their menfolk off to the room with Penseive that had a projector.

They all flopped on the comfortable sofa that folded out into a mattress and was piled with pillows and blankets. The memory started with Lilith Black being the first name called, landing her in Ravenclaw.

"Aw, she's too cute." Kayla giggled. Her daughter was next as she had her mother's last name as her heir to the Crane family (the heads were always women).

"Reyna Crane!" McGonagall called.

"Better be Ravenclaw." The hat had taken awhile to decide between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. They watched on for a bit until Viktor Lupin was called.

"Gryffindor!" The hat called and there were several cheers. It continued to Cedric Potter and he ended up in Hufflepuff much like his namesake.

Perseus Weasley was also a Gryffindor and finished off the sorting a half an hour later.

"Our kids are so precious." Harry looked at Remus and Sirius and then at Kayla and Charlie.

"Did you hear that Hermione's expecting?" Charlie had been unable to keep it a secret any longer.

"No way!" Harry gasped and he and Charlie started talking about Fred and Hermione's relationship. The two had developed an excellent friendship also thanks to Charlie's support in Harry cutting Ginny and Ron out of his life along with Molly who had been discovered to drugging Arthur with love potions. Gideon Prewett had been found alive yet very weak but had been thrilled to be reunited with his family a few years ago sometime during Harry's first pregnancy.

Remus and Kayla discussed how the proceeds from the latest ministry ball were going to the fund to help supply werewolves with the potion that Snape and Kayla had made. The fund had been started by the houses Potter, Black and Crane and then supported by the Prewett, Longbottom and Weasleys. It wasn't very popular at first because of the deep prejudice against werewolves but when the savior of the wizarding world supports something, you get in line with it.

The Malfoys had finally declared an end to the ridiculous blood feud that had started so long ago that no one remembered why anymore. The end of the Feud released a good chunk of the Weasleys property holdings that had been withheld for years and Arthur finally got more funding for his department now that there was no threat to anyone's reputation or house for daring to associate with the Weasleys.

Changes were being implemented at Hogwarts too. A preschool year class was held for the Muggleborns to get them used to the wizarding world better. It was also an exchange type situation. The Muggleborns stayed in wizarding homes to be totally immersed in a safe way that wouldn't be overwhelming.

The whole change movement was headed by Hermione Granger-Weasley and Harry Potter with support from many of their friends. They had showed the board of governors statistics and data from Illvermorny in the US which had kept track of how well Muggleborns integrated using their system from the first year it was implemented up to the year before.

"Can you believe it? 13 years ago I was a fifth year who defeated Voldemort. And now I'm here with the two men I love the most and two of my best friends." Harry was sappy, suddenly emotional because pregnancy hormones. "I never thought I could be so happy. Never thought I'd have a family."

"Oh, Harry." Remus took Harry into his lap and held him, kissing his lips softly. "Everything turned out okay in the end."

"It did, Pretty. And you'll always have us, right guys?" Sirius smiled.

"You're stuck with me. Like I had stuck myself to you with a permanent sticking charm." Kayla grinned. "Cause you're my brother now, Harry."

"That's terrifying." Harry laughed wetly but initiated a group hug. He really loved them more than he knew how to say.

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