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Remus dropped what he was holding and sprinted downstairs to Harry's side just as his water broke. "Call Narcissa! Get her here!" Remus barked orders at Bill Weasley who nodded. "You can't leave. The manor's blocked from anyone leaving and only those invited can enter."

"We'll wait here anyways! Harry's our baby brother." George looked offended and then watched Remus carry Harry to the room that had been prepped for this. He laid Harry down gently on the bed and stroked his hair.

"Where's Siri!?" Harry fretted, gripping Remus's hand tightly. He needed both of them to be by his side.

"He's coming. Don't worry. Do you want something to drink?" Remus propped Harry up with pillows to wait until he was properly dilated. 

"Water would be nice... Maybe some ice to chew on?" Harry pleaded, knowing his iron levels were getting a bit low.

"Mr. Potter. What have you been up to that caused early labour?" Narcissa swept into the room and set her medical bag down. Her pale blonde hair was braided back from her face and wound into a bun under a cap.

"Just informing the god fathers of the babies!" Harry smiled at the older woman, reaching for Sirius who had followed Narcissa in. "Siri." He relaxed more.

"Hey Love. Sorry I'm late." Sirius sat on the side of the bed, putting an arm around Harry. "How are you feeling?"

"Sore... Kinda like how I felt after my first Quidditch practice. My pelvis hurts a lot though. Like I've been hit by a bludger." Harry leaned his head on Remus though.

"The babies are moving into place to be delivered. I need to see how dilated you are." Narcissa set up her things, Harry blushing as Narcissa transformed his clothes into a hospital gown. "Don't you worry... I've delivered many babies."

"This is embarrassing." Harry spread his legs as directed, allowing his lady parts to be seen. Narcissa checked his dilation with a detached expression, not wanting to make Harry more uncomfortable. Delivering the children of a boy the same age as her son was not on her top ten favorite things.

"You're about 5 cm dilated. We need to get you to 10 cm before you're ready. We'll wait for a bit." Narcissa remembered her labour with Draco and shuddered lightly.

"How much longer do you think?" Remus asked, kissing Harry's forehead softly. He wanted to know if they should be prepared to wait all night.

"I'll check in half an hour and tell you." Narcissa made notes before going into the hall to talk to Bill and the other Weasleys.

~Half an hour Later~

Harry was growling in his chest, sounding angry. "I want to push. These kids need to come out..." Harry had felt many types of pain but never like this. He would rather take Basilisk venom in his arm.

"Not yet, Harry." Narcissa said soothingly. "You're 6 cm dilated."

"Mr. Potter... What have you gotten yourself into?" A voice no one except Harry expected.

"Snape! You did come." Harry smiled brightly, having spoken to his mother's painting and learned about her friendship and how the split between them had happened and her wish for Harry to make up with him.

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