Marvels and Margarine

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(Month later. Harry's about three months or so.)

Harry was currently looking at Ibrahim, combing the soft brown curls and humming quietly. "Ibrahim, James... Mumma, Papa and Daddy need to tell you something."

"Surprise?" James smiled at his mother, tilting his head curiously.

"Yup. A biiiiig surprise." Sirius spoke instead of Harry, coming in and planting a kiss on each person in the room on their cheeks. He sat next to Harry and moved Ibrahim onto the floor next to James as Remus came in.

"Time to tell them?" Remus sat down, arm around Harry's shoulders. He knew Harry was nervous.

"Yeah its time. We won't be able to hide it much longer." Harry whispered.

"Mumma is pregnant!" Sirius burst out, grinning at their sons who stared blankly at him.

"What?" The children were both confused by the announcement.

"Mumma's having babies! Two boys and a girl. You're getting two brothers and a sister!" Remus smiled brightly at their twins.

"No!" James screamed, looking upset and flailing. One of his arms caught Ibrahim in the face, making the small boy's nose bleed and his eyes to tear up. Harry was quick to lean and grab his son, cradling the crying toddler to his chest.

"Shh shh." Harry hushed, leaving Sirius and Remus to deal with James. "It's okay, Ibrahim. Mumma will fix it up." He tapped Ibrahim's nose, fixing it and vanishing the blood that had dripped from it. "All better."

"Mumma." Ibrahim sniffled, burying his face in Harry's chest that was starting to pudge back out. He actually was quite excited to get a baby sister, not so much for the brothers.

"I know, Ibrahim." Harry knew what his baby was saying, the room quiet as Remus and Sirius had taken James to a different room to calm down. "Mumma won't love you any less and you will always be important to us. I promise. You and James are so loved, so very loved."

In the painting of James and Lily, they smiled as they were so proud of their son. He had grown into a wonderful young man and an amazing mother to his children. Lily dabbed at her eyes, feeling nostalgic to when she had been pregnant with Harry himself.

~With James, Remus and Sirius~

Remus was holding the struggling boy, arms in a bear hug and keeping the small boy against his chest. "Shh shh, James. Stop. Everything is okay."

"NO BABIES!" James wailed, throwing his head back into the Werewolf's chest repeatedly until Sirius gently held his head between his large palms.

"Sweetheart. Look at Papa. Papa had a baby brother and I didn't want him at first. But I grew to love him so so very much." Sirius looked like he'd cry himself. "You are a big brother. We won't love you any less. We will take good care of you. And we won't replace you with the babies." He picked up James once Remus let go and the two went off somewhere, leaving the werewolf who made his way back to where Harry was.

~Back with Harry and Ibrahim~

Ibrahim had his face smushed to Harry's belly, talking to the babies excitedly and telling them how much he loves them already. Harry was focusing intently on Ibrahim, wanting to put it in the pensieve later to keep for when people come over. Remus sat down, chuckling softly and watching with Harry. He'd been an only child so this was almost all new to him, the twins were different but still.

"Hi Daddy!" Ibrahim had finished his story and climbed into Remus's lap, smiling sweetly up at them.

"Hi, Abe." Remus chuckled, smiling back at the small boy while holding one of Harry's hands.

"Need to potty!" Ibrahim was suddenly frantic, wriggling as Remus got to his feet and sprinted to the bathroom. They made it just in tine, Remus looking at the ceiling to give his child some privacy. Ibrahim giggled after a bit. "All done!"

"Good job!" Remus helped Ibrahim wash his hands before washing his own. "Such a big boy!"

"Yay!" Ibrahim tugged Remus back to his mother, climbing up next to Harry. "I pottied in the toilet!"

"Very good, Ibrahim!" Harry ruffled the soft hair of his second oldest child. "Getting to be such a big boy and soon you'll be able to help Uncle Severus with his potions!"

"Yay! Can't wait!" Ibrahim smiled, cuddling into Harry's side.

"He's so sweet." Harry murmured at his lover who nodded. "I think it's N-A-P time though." 

"Yup." Remus agreed, scooping up the sleeping toddler and carrying him off to the nursery for his nap. He met Sirius coming out  and they smiled at each other softly before Remus went and laid Ibrahim next to James because that's how they preferred to sleep.

Sirius sat next to Harry and laid his head on the younger man's shoulder, cuddling him. "Love you, pretty."

"Love you too, Siri." Harry stroked the soft black hair on Sirius's head, smiling gently. "You, Rem and our babies are who I care for most."

"Thank you. For being able to love two broken men. You found it in your heart to care for us and fix us as best as you could. You are too good for this world. Innocent and sweet and wonderful." Sirius had an intense look, holding Harry to him.

"You both loved me. And you and Remus healed me too." Harry spoke slowly, fingers carding through Sirius's hair still. "You guys gifted me with our children and with your love. It is no hardship on me to love and care for Moony and you."

Remus joined the cuddling pair, holding them both. "I think we need a nap, yes? A big cuddly nap."

"I agree." Harry smiled. "A mostly naked nap. The babies are calm when you are touching my bare skin."

"Aww. They know their daddies." Sirius pressed his lips to Harry's belly before standing and watching Remus carry Harry up to their bedroom as he followed slowly. All was well in the little family's life.

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