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"Why isn't this in any books though? I've never heard of it before." Hermione was in awe of the new information.

"Because the information wouldn't be in any books that Muggleborns have access to. Only halfbloods and Purebloods have access to these books." Charlie spoke up with a quick glance at the portrait.

"It's to keep anyone unsavory from trying to insinuate themselves into the families to steal familial secrets... Sorry Mione but that's mostly been Muggleborns who do that. And they try to destroy things that have been for centuries. It's simply not right. I think personally that Muggleborns should spend the summer before their first year at Hogwarts learning proper Wizarding Etiquette and how to do Wizarding things." George shrugged casually. He thought the Muggleborns should have an introduction to the Wizarding World before being thrown into Hogwarts and left to sink or swim.

"I agree. Sorry, Love." Fred kissed Hermione on the cheek. "It would help the Muggleborns fit in better if they learned our etiquette rather than trying to force unnecessary changes. There are so many useful classes that aren't taught anymore because muggleborns get uncomfortable."

"Ilvermorny has a lot of classes that have been removed from Hogwarts curriculum. And like George said. We also have the pre-school year classes to help our muggleborns." Kay chimed in from where she was perched in Charlie's lap.

"I think the pre-school year classes would help... But there were classes that were unnecessary really." Hermione is defensive. "And why aren't we ever taught about house-elves? How cruelly they're treated."

"Those fall into Pureblood learning... And most families don't treat them poorly if the family is the right sort." Fred explained. "They like to have a purpose. And they need to be connected to a family's magic. It keeps them sane, happy and healthy. Why do you think Dobby and Winky bonded to Harry's family magic?"

"Harry... Why didn't you tell me?" Hermione was sticking to her guns. She thought having a House Elf was absolutely immoral.

"Because I knew you hate house-elves being bonded to families or places... But I was reading about it and talking to some of my house-elves about it and they explained it quite well." Harry leaned into his two lovers whom had rejoined them finally.

"Kreacher was treated poorly by me because he treated me poorly when I was a child. But I'm trying to make amends to him. I've given him Regulus' things and brought him to one of the other Black Family Properties to be with other house-elves. He's going to be taken care of." Sirius wasn't fond of the elf but Harry had disliked how he was treating Kreacher.

"Mione... Just face it... There's a reason House-Elves are bonded to family. They have much longer lifespans when bonded." Fred held Hermione's hand. "And a good portion of the removed classes need to come back because they're quite essential."

"Lots of people get scared during sex because their magic acts up and gets magnified." Remus added. "I've read many books on the subjects."

"Honestly, I thought the removed classes would've been amazing." Lily chimed in from the painting. "Especially Sex Magic. It's a very powerful branch of magic."

"You and I levitated Sirius's bed in the dorm one time, with him in it." James snickered as he recalled the occurrence.

"Ahhh... Don't wanna know." Harry hid in Remus's lap. "One time we all grew three feet long beards. And they turned different colors."

"I don't need to know about you having sex with my son!" James covered his ears. "La la la. Nope."

"Did you at least use protection?" Was all Lily was concerned about. She loved her grandchildren but she wanted Harry to wait a long time to have any more.

"Every time, Lils." Remus reassured her. "The two kids plus Sirius is all we need to handle right now." He felt like he was forgetting something but brushed it away.

"Oi! Rude." Sirius pouted and then kissed Harry's cheek. "Love me."

"You big baby." Harry moved to sit back between the two and wrapped his arms around Sirius.

Hermione was curled into Fred's side, holding his hand and simply listening to what was going on. Hearing Lily say she wanted the removed classes had struck a chord in her.

"We've got to be getting back." Charlie's hair was falling into his eyes and Kay brushed it back with her fingertips before standing.

"It's always great to see you." Kay hugged Harry, Snape, Fred, George and then Hermione. "I'll bring you some of our course books from Ilvermorny." She stepped back and went through the floo with Charlie.

"And then there were eight." Bill joked. "Who shall be picked off next?"

"You're terrible." Hermione laughed. "I knew I shouldn't have shown you the Sherlock Holmes novels."

"You did this? He's been saying stuff like this a lot." George sighed dramatically. "Then Viktor and I get to go somewhere away from him."

"Knew it." Harry smirked slightly. He had had a feeling that the two were dating.

"Knew what? Fuck. I finally said it..." George put his hand to his forehead.

"Viktor has been writing about seeing someone. He just wouldn't say who." Harry smiled brightly. "I'm glad you guys got together."

"He's quite sweet really." George was slightly blushing, unable to stop smiling.

"He can tell us apart just like Harry can." Fred chortled.

"Morgana's sake. I can't tell you apart." Sirius looked impressed. "That's probably good on date night."

"Very much so. I prefer my lovers female with bushy hair and amber eyes." Fred kissed Hermione's head softly.

"Suck up." Hermione swatted his hand that had ended up on her ribcage. "Hands down or nothing happens on date night."

"I did not need to know you two were shagging." Harry hid his face again. "Hurt her and I'll kill you." He lifted his head to threaten. The Floo lit up once more and Neville tumbled through with Luna.

"See? I told you we should've left earlier." Neville has a beautiful plant in his arms with a bow on it.

"We have arrived when needed." Luna declared in her mystical sounding voice. Plus she had wanted to wait until there was less people around.

"Luna! Neville!" Harry scrambled up and hugged them both, being careful of the plant. "What do you mean when needed though?"

"You'll see. Let's get some food into you though. You look a bit peaky." Luna's Mum mode broke her out of her out of this world mode.

"Yes, Other Mother." Harry fake sighed, actually quite ecstatic to see her and Neville.

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