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Harry was sleeping soundly, curled on his side with a pillow between his legs and one against his back. He had Sirius's favorite shirt under his head and one of Remus's baggy sweaters on, content in the scents of his lovers. It was a good way to sleep and it settled the babies down.

The twins were at their godfathers' house, sleeping the next couple days there while Harry prepared for the triplets. Harry was roughly seven months and quite sore most of the time, penis having vanished again which alerted him to the potential of an early birth for his babies.

Sirius snuck in quietly, laying next to Harry's sleeping body and stroked his lover's cheek lovingly. He was more happy than he had ever been, both Remus and Harry reminding him that it was not his fault for what happened to James and Lily. The man was no longer having severe nightmares as often and he no longer had to hide behind a mask of false cheerfulness when his thoughts were dark.

Harry curled up closer to Sirius's warmth, mumbling under his breath and whining softly until he was wrapped in the strong arms of one of his lovers. He nuzzled the soft skin of Sirius's neck, soothed by his presence.

"Sleep well, Pretty." Sirius smiled fondly at the young man in his arms, casting a wandless spell to ensure he won't lose circulation in his arm from where it was under Harry.

~With Remus~

The werewolf was reading in the library, needing a bit of solitude to reset himself as he got crabby if around people too much. It overwhelmed him and he hated how he felt when he was rude to someone for something not their fault.

He turned another page in the book, breathing in the calming scent of the leather binding and the glue. It never failed to help him relax and he often felt quite at home in libraries, seeking out the other worlds provided in books to escape his own.

To make things even better, the rain that had been threatening all evening finally broke and great big drops splattered on the windows. The drumming sound filled the silence and added a background noise along with the crackling of the fire in the fireplace. The scarred man tilted his head back with his eyes closed and took a deep breath in slowly, muscles all relaxed and book open in his lap.

His eyes snapped open when a loud rumble of thunder filled the air and he rose quickly, marking his page and setting the book on the table before going upstairs to the bedroom. He knew the elves would put out the fire and put away any messes also. His footsteps were quick and light, taking him straight to the bedroom door.

His hand turned the handle quietly and he slipped in, shutting the door behind him and making his way to the bed where Harry held Sirius as best he could. The older male sometimes was frightened by the storms, being thrown into flashbacks on rare occasions that made him think he was trapped outside during a thunderstorm while his mother taunted him.

"Sirius, shh. You're here with Harry and I, Sweetheart." Remus undressed and sat next to Sirius, joining the hug Harry had him in. "You are safe. Your mother is dead and cannot touch you. You are inside of Potter Manor."

"Remus and I will protect you, Love. Your Pretty has you and so does Moony." Harry added, stroking the dark hair of his lover. "We love you."

Sirius didn't come back to them until Remus cast a noise dimming charm on the window, making the rumbles background noise that could be a machine running downstairs. His eyes focused in on Harry's brilliant green eyes first and then Remus's forest green ones that held a tint of yellow as Moony pushed to the front a bit in response to Sirius's anxiety.

"Hey there." Remus smiled, kissing Sirius's cheek gently and still holding him.

"It happened again?" Sirius looked ashamed until Harry kissed him carefully.

"Love... You had a terrible childhood and life for a good while. It's bound to leave scars. Rem and I both have our little triggers but we know things happens outside of our control. We're not going to begrudge you comfort." Harry held Sirius's face in his palms. "We're family."

"Exactly. Harry said it best." Remus agreed, nuzzling Sirius before laying down and dragging Sirius and Harry down next to him. "Sleep. We all could use it anyways."

"Thank you both." Sirius whispered once the other two were asleep, closing his eyes and drifting off to the sounds of his lovers steady breathing.

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