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Harry woke up many times through the night, tossing and turning which woke the other two. They sighed, sliding their arms around him and taking turns telling stories from when they were in school.

They all finally fell in a deep sleep, upright in each others arms. Remus woke earliest surprisingly, he wasn't a morning person. He walked downstairs to get a cup of coffee. He hoped the caffeine would wake him up.

"Ugh..." He rubbed his head tiredly, wondering how today will go. Remus laid his head down and willed himself not to fall asleep.

"Remy?" Harry's soft voice came from behind him, making the wolf jump as he hadn't heard him walk up. It was fairly impressive because Remus had excellent hearing and Harry wasn't exactly quiet.

"What is it, Harry?" Remus turned to look at him, feeling his heart ache at how young Harry looks right now. "Come here, love." He opened his arms up, Harry sitting in his lap.

"I'm scared... I don't want Dumbledore to take custody of me and our twins... I don't wanna go back to the Dursleys. They'll kill me. And the babies." Harry's voice was heartbreaking, head pressing into Remus's neck. He was shaking in Remus' hold.

"They won't... They won't get you..." Remus's hand was rubbing Harry's back and his voice was a soothing murmur. They sat quietly until the house-elves made plates of their favorite breakfast foods. The two ate as much of it as they could, Harry remaining in Remus' lap. Sirius wandered in at some point and sat close.

"I have feeling we'll be okay... Especially with those memories." Sirius was dressed like the Pureblood he was. They nodded quietly and all of them went into the bedroom so Harry and Remus could dress, none wanting to be apart currently.

~At the Ministry where they need to be~

Harry talked to the Auror present and gave him the evidence of his treatment at the Dursely's, swiftly going and sitting between Remus and Sirius again. The members of the Wizengamot projected the memories on a screen specifically for this reason,  it was silent until the memories got particularly brutal at some points and then there was gasps and outraged murmurs. After half an hour of watching some of the memories, they had to stop as several members of the Wizengamot were incensed at the treatment of their Savior and the simple fact that the headmaster had allowed a child to go to an abusive home.

Dumbledore attempted say that the memories had been exaggerated and that it was a child's imagination which definitely didn't earn him any support. "It simply is not as young Harry here thinks. His mind has been befuddled by the two here." Dumbledore pointed at Sirius and Remus.

"Now Albus... That's absolutely not true... Why don't you tell them about how you had Harry exempted every year from the checkups done on EVERY Hogwarts students? And why Poppy seemed so confused after Harry would be in the Infirmary?" Remus asked. The minister turned and looked at Albus Dumbledore with outrage clear on his face.

"Let's bring in a healer and have them check over Mr. Potter." Fudge decided after consulting Amelia Bones and several other members. The healer was brought in and took Harry into a separate room for more privacy. An hour later the healer and Harry returned, the healer white faced.

"By all things, Mr. Potter should be dead from the injuries that have occurred to him." The healer handed a large scroll detailing all of the injuries/conditions that have occurred over Harry's short life. Minister Fudge's eyebrows rose higher and higher until it looked like they had replaced the hair that had disappeared due to his receding hairline. "Malnutrition, MANY broken bones, bones that didn't heal correctly, no vaccinations of any kind be it muggle or wizarding, many concussions, magical scars, ect." 

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