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(A few more chapters left, guys and then this book will be done!)

"Push, Love." Remus coached, holding Harry's hands as he sat behind him on the bed while Harry delivered their babies. Baby Lilith had come first and was currently being weighed and measured by Narcissa while Andromeda waited for the next one to come out.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Harry roared, magic flaring and Cedric Rubeus came into the world with a wail. Harry settled back against Remus, panting and accepting some ice chips into his mouth to suck on. His hair was soaked with sweat, braided back by Remus before active labour had begun.

"Sorry, Sweetheart." Remus apologized, internally pouting because Sirius had fainted as Lilith came into the world and was currently in a nearby room. "One more baby and then all three of our babies will be here."

"I want to see the two here." Harry reached towards Narcissa who passed him the black haired little girl with blue eyes like her daddy Sirius. Cedric was light haired with emerald eyes like his mother Harry. Harry brought Lilith to his chest and let her nurse, humming softly as she drifted off once her belly was full. "Give me Ceddy please."

Narcissa handed over the light haired baby after giving Severus Snape the little girl Lilith Luna to bring to her godmother. "Here you are, Harry. Feed him quick."

"Yep." Harry could tell he needed to start pushing again soon, quickly feeding Cedric and smiling at his little boy. "Gonna be big and strong like Daddy Remus."

"He's so cute." Remus smiled fondly, watching Snape take Cedric off to Godfather Neville. "Ready, Love?"

"Let's get baby Viktor here." Harry braced himself and started pushing again, straining hard and delivering a large baby boy with dark hair and hazel eyes. "Huh. Guess his grandpa's genes came through."

"He's a big boy." Remus chuckled, watching as the baby was weighed and measured. "He's gonna be a troublemaker."

"Watch him turn out to be a lazy little boy." Harry pouted as he fed Viktor Fleamont a bottle of his milk he had pumped earlier, knowing he would need it. "Wish I could have fed him like the other two."

"You will next time." Remus soothed, helping Harry hold the baby before passing the baby to Sirius who had peeked inside. "Hold our son."

"He's so big." Sirius grinned, holding the baby to him and watched Harry deliver the after birth. He flinched slightly and backed out of the room with the baby and made his way to the living room. "One delivery for a Viktor Krum as godfather."

"He vants me to be the godfather?" Viktor's eyes got huge, staring at the baby who seemed to scowl at him. He couldn't believe that he was being gifted the honor.

"You as godfather and Kayla as godmother." Sirius announced, grinning as Kayla stirred sleepily from her place on Charlie's lap with her arms around her own pregnant belly.

"Frick yeah." She fist pumped tiredly before drooping again, face in Charlie's neck and sleeping soundly. She was close to the end of her own pregnancy and was sleeping a lot.

"You do know she's not going to remember this in the morning?" Charlie snorted, looking amused as he held his fiancee securely. He didn't want her to tip out of his lap again.

"Yeah but then we get to tell her again." Sirius laughed, watching Viktor Krum and Viktor Fleamont having a staring contest. "Harry likes you a lot, Viktor. That's why he named him after you and made you godfather."

"Am I gonna get one named after me?" Neville joked. He was proud of Luna for being a Godmother.

"Maybe in six to ten years when we're ready for more." Sirius chuckled lowly, perched on a chair.

"Lilith will grow to be a wonderful young lady." Luna spoke in her airy voice, looking pleased as the baby girl slept in her arms. She kissed Lilith's head gently.

"Alright, you lot. Off to bed. Baby visiting will continue later." Remus stood in the doorway and took the smaller two babies while Sirius took Viktor Fleamont from Viktor Krum. "The elves will show you to your rooms."

"When will the twins be back?" Neville asked quietly. He wanted to make sure they wouldn't be separated too soon.

"In a few days. We want to give Harry some time to recuperate." Remus explained before the elves popped in to take their guests to their rooms. "Ready, Sirius?"

"Born Ready." Sirius chuckled, following Remus with Viktor in his arms to the master bedroom where three cradles awaited their precious cargo.

"Hurry." Harry mumbled sleepily, wanting to go to bed but also wanting his lovers.

"We are, sweetheart." Remus promised, making sure each baby was situated properly and the proper charms on the cradles had them rocking gently. "Goodnight, our little boys and girl."

"Night, Pups." Sirius kept it simple, climbing in and cuddling Harry as Remus joined them. "Sleep well, you two."

"You too, Sirius. Love you both." Harry mumbled, halfway asleep.

"Love you too." They chorused.

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