Chapter 27 (We've got to escape)

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Y/N's POV:

As he screamed, Shoto stood up promping Endevour to do the same.

"YOU ARE OUT OF LINE!" He bellowed, causing everyone, including me, to flinch.

"FORGET THE LINE! THIS IS WHY I LEFT IN THE FIRST PLACE!" Shoto screamed in response before storming out the room.

"Todoroki! Wait!" I called out to him, scrambling out my chair and after him.

"Hey, Wait up!" Bakugo called out at the same time, leaving is own chair.

Katsuki closed the dinning hall door behind him as we followed our friend back up the staircase.

Walking behind Todoroki in silence for a while I listened as his breathing slowed and his face relaxed into a calm. Of course, he still kept that terribly angry stare.

He opened the door to a random room and walked inside.

The walls were light brown and covered in painted portraits of cherry blossoms and lavender. Tables and glass doored cabinets were dotted round the room, filled up with small but pretty nick-nacks.

A large bed covered with silk sheets and pillows sat against the wall in the center of the room, white curtains tied around the tall bed frames.

"Wow, this is your set up?" Bakugo asked, looking round the room as Shoto face planted onto his bed.

"Sush!" I prompted, lightly slapping him on the arm.

Todoroki let out a long, agonising shout of frustraiton into his covers before rolling onto his back, his cheeks flushed a little and his eyes teared up.

"I hate this place!" He sighed.

"Obviously." Bakugo rolled his eyes, turning his attension back to the cabinets of sparkly trinkets, "What're these for?"

"My parents bribed me to go to parties or to study with thoes. They come from all over the world apparently. Turned out they don't come from more then 5 miles away, the dirty liers." He huffed, sitting up.

"They're lovely." I commented, embracing my inner girl for once and admiring the jewels.

Drawing my eyes away from them, I walked over to my friend and sat down next to him, "But I can already understand why you hate it here."

"The language is just the tip of the ice-berg. The regimes and routines are worse. I've already been told that they'll start up tomorrow and that I can forget about excape because security's increased." He shuddered.

Wrapping my arm around his shoulders, I scooted closer to him and held back a couple tears myself. This was terrible. What will the gaurdians say when one of there chosen ones can't keep going? What about the promises we made to eachother? Am I really about to loose one of by best friends... wait, no... not my best friend. Let me start that sentance over. Am I really about to loose the only one I've ever liked this way?

I can't stand the thought...


"Shoto, don't give up now. We're going to get you out of here! No matter what! We have to save the world remember? There's no way you can just give up now!" I said, forcing myself to sound more confident then I felt at the time.

"Yeah Y/N," He muttered, "Y-you're right."

He turned to face me, a look of determination on his face. Smiling, he held onto my arms.

"I can't back down!"

Our eyes met.

He still had his blue eye and scar exposed, I'm guessing in attempt to defy of guilt his parents. It sparkled just as much as the other one, making me feel the same hope he had.

"I'd say get a room but since you already have one, I'll just leave." Katsuki tutted, somehow finding the previously non exitstant pockets on his trousers and shoving his hands in them, walking over to the door.



Bakugo was hit in the face by the door. Yelping, he fell onto the wooden floor with a painfull sounding thud.

"Fuyumi?" Shoto replied, his sister closing the door behind her.

"Shoto! I've got a plan for you!" She smiled, walking past Katsuki like he wasn't there.

"A plan?" I asked, getting off the bed and helping my 'brother' up.

"Yeah! A plan for him to escape!" She smiled, "There's a ball the day before you two get kicked out, you're both being forced to attend by the way, but still, there will be quite a few guests and plenty of opportunites to just leave the grounds! Of course, there will be gaurds at every door and gate but with your friends and quirks, you should be able to get out!"

"Sis that's wonderful!" He cheered, hugging her tightly,

"No problem little brother." She said, returning the gesture, "I'm happy to do anything for you. I'm just happy you're still alive."

They let go of eachother.

Turning her attension to me, who was silently 'aww'ing at there little bonding moment.

"Y/N L/N," She started.

"What? How do you know my name?" I spluttered.

She sighed, still smiling softly, "I've seen your family portrait. I can only assume that you had similar motivations of running away as my brother?"

"E-essentially, yes." I looked at the ground, embarrassed.

She chuckled, "That's fine. I saw through your boy 'disguise' immediately. Mother's figured out that you're a girl but not your identity just yet. I'm just warning you now that your parents will be attending the ball so it may be wise to tell me a fake name to further hide who you are."

"Oh, I guess...." I looked around the room, trying to think of something...

F/N- Fake name FL/N- Fake last name

"Call me F/N FL/N." I shrugged, rubbing the back of my neck.

Fuyumi nodded and said her goodbyes.

One again, she managed to hit Bakugo with the door, him getting a nose bleed this time.

"Haha!" Shoto laughed at his other friend's misery, "Well that managed to cheer me up!"

"Can it Icy-hot!"

Um... I don't have a good excuse for not posting in a couple weeks, I just stopped getting reminded to and kept forgetting. Soooooorrrryyyyy! (You just read 1014 words)

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