Explaining the plot and the end

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Hiya! So basically, this story is being discontinued. But I know how it is to get deep in to a story only to have it all unanswered in the end so here's a short little thing explaining exactly what the ending was going to be and what exactly was going through my mind while writing.

So, to say it as quickly as possible, the Guardians were actually the real villains and in the end, Y/N was going to betray both them and Todoroki in favour of helping to save people like Katsuki, Dabi and Koko. Once all was said and done, Todoroki would've realised that she was right and would continue to stand by her too.

In addition to all that, Kirishima, Ochako and Midoriya would have also realised how corrupt the guardian system was and would sacrifice their immortality in favour of going and chilling on earth and having adventures with Y/N, Todoroki and Bakugo. And Espur's name is finally decided, they all collectively agree on a singular name. (It's Ebony Darkness Dementia Ravenway btw)

The final chapter was basically gunna have Y/N and Todoroki with all the keys at the top of this cool bell tower or clocktower (I can't remember) and all the guardians would be there and Y/N would question them all about the things she's learnt about the villains throughout the story. None of them would actually know anything she's talking about and be just as confused, except for Momo who accidentally reveals that it was all true and everyone had been manipulated from the start. So Y/N would use her quirk to destroy the keys and the map with a giant version of the reader's favourite flower and one by one, everyone would turn to her (and by extension the villain's) side. 

Cut to an epilogue where they're all happy and all of your ships become canon and Y/N and Todoroki kiss, the end. 

I don't actually know how to get in all the story points I wanted to get in and transition from where the story was left and where I needed it to get to. Plus I'd much rather focus on projects I have more investment in. I do have other content here and there. I have a YT channel called Niki Moon if you wanna see the stupid stuff I do over there every now and again. Buuut I think this is it for my mha content.

If you have any questions left over, I'd be happy to answer them in the comments. 

Thanks for sticking around this long, if you have. And again, I'm sorry that it ended this way. I had fun while it lasted! 

I'll be seeing you around! Bye! 

(You just read 454 words)

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