Chapter 10 (The cold night)

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Y/N's POV:

His quirk seems to be ice so it kind of makes sence for his body temperature to be higher then normal, it let's him survive in his own creation.

But still, the idea of us staying within such close proximity with eachother made my anxieties sky rocket. I just staired down at the ground and went about making a den or something for Espur.

I unloaded his bags a gave him some food to eat while I went about tipping more water into my palm.

No matter how I tried, I couldn't explain it. Why this boy can scare me so much. He says he's on my side and I trust that but... some moments of our interactions so far have petrified me...

I ended up deciding that it was because we were still practically strangers despite knowing a little more about eachother but that didn't fully put me at ease.

The vines once again rose out of the gound, creating a more leafy version of the horse stable from back home. I eased my animal companion inside and wished him a good night as I sealed him inside propperly.

Turning back to look at my human companion, my eyes squinted a little. The candle lamp I'd handed Todoroki still needed to be lit but there was some how already a little flame dancing inside.

This confused me... I hadn't heard the sound of a match lighting or a lighter click.

"Haha! Let there be light I guess." I laughed awkwardly as he set it down on the floor.

He nodded quietly, sitting down by it.

I pulled a couple of cookies out of one of the bags and handed some over to him.

We didn't speek too much, just watched the little flame dance in the lamp and ate our food.

A while passed and soon, Dusk fell.

I gathered up the thinks and shoved them in the vine tent. I lay my blanket down over the grass and carefully placed the lamp inside, making sure there was no way for it to set anything on fire.

"Come on Todoroki." I called calmly, slipping my shoes off and resting them against the wall.

He nodded and crawled through the hole, slipping off his shoes too.

As he took off his back pack and utility belt around his waist, I carefully closed up the gap making us totally safe and cut off from the outside world.

We both lay down as far away as possible from eachother and eventually fell asleep...

Time skip bought to you by the night being colder then Shoto's mum.

Todoroki's POV:

I woke up in the dead of night. There was no sound and the candle had burn out. I moved some of the vines and saw that the sky way still dark.

Sighing a little, I rolled over to face Y/N. To be honest though, I wanted to check on her more then get comfortable.

She was balled up at the edge of the tent, shivering ever so slightly. She was cold...

I guess always having a warm bed to sleep in makes you forget how bitter the night can be.

After a second of thought, I shifted closer to her and placed my left hand on her arm. Her tensed up limbs immediately relaxed and the slight distress on her face melted away.

'She looks like a freaking princess.' I thought, 'Wait what?'

I flinched my hand back causing Y/N to whince in her sleep. She shuffed around, tying to find the source of heat again.

I rolled onto my right side, intrested to see if she'd end up waking up or not.

'Umm...' I murmured as she shoved her face into my chest and weakly grabbed at my shirt.

At this point I'm getting a little scared.... If she's awake then she's completely changed personalities from earlier but if she IS asleep then when she does was up I'm inevitably going to get hurt... somehow...

'Whatever... That's future Shoto's problem' I thought, sighing and drifting back to sleep.

Time skip again bought to you by Author's terrible ability to transition.

Y/N's POV:

I heard the feint sound of birds first... The thing that always signals me to wake up. Today for some reason though, they sounded distant...

'Maybe I just need to open my curtains.' I thought, dragging my arm up to grab hold of my F/C quilt.

But... what my fingers wrapped around wasn't made of cloth.... it had that texture but it felt harder, sturdier.

Memories of the previous day imprinted themselves in my mind like stamps on paper. My eyes shot open to find myself pressed against the chest of a neer stranger...

Oh lord what do I do?

I HAVE RETURNED! YAY! I'll be updating every two or three days btw. (You just read 810 words)

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