Chapter 3 (The Angel Falls)

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Y/N's POV:

I spent the rest of the day letting Esper warm up to his new home and surroundings. I walked him round the village twice to get him use to the area and the thought of being led around but he took it surprisingly well compared to other wild horses.


That did lead me to think that he was tamed and had some how gotten lost.

Out of fear of loosing him, I chose not to tell anyone.

As dusk threatened to fall that evening, I locked him up as securely as I could in one of the horse stalls in our back garden.

My father is never home you see, he travels alot for particular reasons and needs the horse power in order to travel quickly and safely. Every morning I await his arrival back from his trips to the city and by extension why I was listening out for a horse in the first place.

We origionally built the stable in our garden with the intent of getting two but we never got around to it. But seeing as my father has not yet returned with Excallibur (Named by your's truely) I put my new companion in our more frequently used stall, mainly because it was in better condition.

"Good night Espur." I whispered as I looked apon him one last time before locking myself in my own home.

My mother was sitting back in her usuall seat at the kitchen table, the natural expression of slight consern looking a little more serious then normal.

I was planning on just ignoring her, wanting to heading up to my room to finnish re-reading *Favorite book* and trying to sleep before The Nothing awakened like normal.

"Y/N." She called, her nervousness from earlier all but retired for the evening,

"Yes Mother?" I replied, turning back to face her and mentally begging her not to give me bad news,

"You're only looking after that thing until your father comes home, then it will become his second hauling horse. You are not some snotty nosed hooligan, riding around on wild animals and climbing up trees, you are a lady." She spoke calmly, her eyes drawn to the lines imprinted in the wood our table was made of, "When you are older, you will work in a house supporting your family. That's all that's waiting for you so stop imagining that one day some prince with an incredible quirk will just show up one morning and take you away. There is no away. You're staying here."

I was often told things like this. Not just from her, from everyone around me. And I've gotten used to hearing that I'll be stuck here my hole life, never putting my dumb power to good use or anything I actually want.

But for some reason, this time hit me hard. I tried to keep a strait face but deep down in my heart, I was devistated.

I nodded silently and tried to stop myself from bursting into tears. I turned and rushed up the stairs, shutting by bedroom door behind me.

"Deep breaths Y/N" I told myself, the tears welling up in my eyes, "D-d-deep bre-e-eaths..."

3RD Person POV:

Y/N broke down, fat tears starting to roll down her S/C cheeks. She stumbled over to her bed and flopped down onto it, crying into her F/C bed sheets.

'Why?' She thought, 'Why did I have to be so different from everyone else here?'

She weapt for what felt like hours, the sky outside becoming dark whilst she was in too much turmoil to close the curtains.

Meanwhile, outside...

???'S POV:

Every night, I must protect these people from the dark. I take a little pride in that even though the people who's lives I save aren't aware I do it.

That night, there was still light coming from an upstairs window neer the village square. I wondered if who ever there was ok but I couldn't go check.

If I did go see if they where ok, I might be taken off gaurd by this night's wave of No-ones. Thoes are the most common type of monsters by the way...

I perched myself on the top of the fountain, made of stone and having been turned off for the night.

I ran my free hand through my puffy green-ish hair, a slight frost appearing in the air as I breathed out. And then, I heard it.

My right hand gripped tighter around the silver handle of my black sword, the sound of the creatures beginning to grow.

As I saw the lymping, hissing, blood thirsty monsters start to enter the village, I - as usuall - got ready for the fight.

I jumped down from the fountain and bared my teeth and weapon at them. I counted them as I stabbed them and watched them faid into shadows.

I counted roughly 150 within the first 2 minuets, and it only seemed to be getting larger. I felt myself push my strength to it's limits, my skin and weapon being incassed with a feint electical field.

But soon, I started to loose. I felt myself slowing down, my arms getting heavier.

'It's my duty to protect these people.' I kept telling myself, as the No-ones started to surround me, there yellowed, dissintagrated teeth snapping at my limbs.

I hadn't noticed, but I'd backed myself up against a wall, my back thudding against it as my eyes grew wide and tearfull.

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