Chapter 4 (Quest for the sun)

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After what must've been hours, my mind calmed down and my eyes dried up. I slowly pulled my face away from my pillow, a short string of snot keeping my face connected to it for annother second or two.... yeah... I'm a strait up ugly cryer.

'From the noise outside, I must've cried all into the next morning.' I figured, listening to the feint sounds of movement and muffled talking from outside.

However, when I looked up at my still open curtains and out the window, my heart neerly dropped...

It was still the dead of night.

"No! You cannot go outside, It's dangerous at this hour."

"It's cold... and dark... KEEP THE DOOR SHUT IT'S TOO SCARY!!!"

"Why can't you be like all the other kids your age? Be sensible, fear the night like a good girl and go back to sleep..."

I'd taught myself to fear it, to shelter myself from it. To cower under my covers every time I heard something outside after the lights went out.

But now... I heard something out there, I could feel the preasence of dread from just outside my front door... I... I felt nothing.

I was so sure that if I'd ever found my way into a situation like this, I'd start to cry like everyone else I knew would. But I didn't.

I sat there on my bed, the puffiness of my cheeks slowly faiding away and my eyes fixed on the sky outside my window.

"I'm not afraid of the dark." I murmured to myself, my mind and thoughts loosing control of my body as I spoke.

I lifted myself out of bed and walked over to the window, my brain foggy eccept for my curiosity.

By the time I recomposed myself, it was too late, the shutters where already open and the latch was off its hook, the glass pannel was sliding open.

I looked down apon the path that I walked every morning to see it flooded by horrid creatures made of snaggled teeth and rage and... pressed againt the wall of my house... a stranger.

He seemed to be loosing his energy... and he was becoming surrounded.

My mouth acted without me thinking,

"DON'T WORRY, I'LL LET YOU IN!" I shouted down at him.

He broke his eyes away from the monsters around him. He had curly green hair and a small cluster of freckles on each of his cheeks.

"STAND BACK!" He yelled desperately, his voice strained and panicked.

Now frightened out of my own thoughts, I did what he told me to.

I stood back, but not far enough to not loose sight of the boy.

The strage electric field surrounding him began to center itself around one point before bursting back and forming two large wings behind him.

He desperatly started to get away from the ground but every time his feet lifted off the floor, annother monster would grab at him and start to tear through his skin.

I couldn't take it anymore.

"Leave him alone!" I heard myself yelp.

I used the mist in the air to use my quirk. I created a small bubble of water and launched it at the creatures.

They seemed to shy away from it, and let to poor boy go giving his the chance to fly through my open window.

He landed messily in the middle of my room, his angelic wings missing hole patches of pastel green and white feathers. There were deep cuts and marks all over his exposed arms and face.

He was gasping for breath as I quickly locked my window again and hurriedly drew the curtains.

"Thank... you..." He said, repaying his oxygen dept and trying to stand back up.

He failed, one of his legs colapsing under his weight.

I hurried over to support him, and leaned the 15-ish boy against my bed.

"We can't deny it anymore." He muttered, his scarred right hand gripping onto the shirt of my F/C dress, "The night, is getting more powerful. The Nothing's leader must've found.. a key."

He coughed up some blood before spitting out thoes last two words.

He gasped again before saying, "Find 3 other keys and tell their gaurdians to stay calm. I'm sure Ochako has found her traveler by now."

His eyes glossed over a little, him seemingly talking to himself now.

"Who'm ever has the other half of this map," He held out a quivering hand and a rolled up parchment appeared in his palm, "You must find them... and the keys. Their locations are marked down here. Take them to the clock tower in Gallex city. Then, say the names of the gaurdians and me. You'll have done enough by then."

He screwed his face up, his body shaking a little.

Suddenly, he clutched the sword next to him and shoved the handle in my direction, "This sword may be that of darkness but it kills the Nothing's minions quickly. Take the sword, take this half of the map and whatever else you may need and go! By how quickly the're spreading, I'll say you have two months before it's too late."

He forced himself to stand and walked over to my window, his movements becoming less stiff with each step he took.

He opened the curtains again, revieling the sun just about to come over the horizon, and turned back to me, now wearing a shyish smile,

"Don't worry about me Y/N. Light heals me. You'll do fine, I know you will. I have to stay and try to protect your home, I'll try keep it safe 'till you summon me and the key gaurdians."

"Wait, how do you know me?!" I asked regaining my voice and clutching onto the parchment and sword he handed to me.

"I watched you grow up Y/N, There's no one I trust more with a magical quest then the girl who's always wanted to go on one." He smiled reasuringly before opening my window.

The creatures outside started to run away from the light,

"Now GO!" He laughed, climbing out my window, "Before your scared-of-her-own-reflection mum wakes up!"

And with that, he was gone. He took off out of sight, never even telling me his name.

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