Chapter 47 (Mice and Grape Trees)

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Y/N's POV:

My heart couldn't help but feel kinda... sorry for the villain. He was weaping, breaking down and acting weaker then the people he literally had captured...

I slowly crouched down onto the ground, placing my palm on the floor just outside of the cage. I activated my quirk on the villain's tears that'd hit the ground, watching as the small plants began to grow.

His crying faultered as he caught sight of what was happening. His sobs were quickly reduced to sniffles as his eyes were fixed on the growing plant.

It was small and I was too far away to see what it was exactly but it managed to calm him down. He looked up at us after a moment, quickly figuring out what'd happened.

"You..." He murmured, "You did this?"

I stood back up and nodded.

"Wow thanks..." he squeaked, pulling the small plant out of the ground and standing back up.

He staired at it as it rested in his palms for a moment before walking back up to the cell.

"Look... I'm sorry. I don't... REALLY want you to die. But... Well, you're all going to kill us so I don't have much of a choice to hate you..." He sighed, stopping and stairing down at his hat by his feet.

"So... That's why I'm happy you're in here. I want you all to be stopped... but I don't want you to die. As for... that other a**hole's motive..." He crouched down momentarily, picking the hat up again.

Todoroki narrowed his eyes again, "Will you tell us now?"

The villain grimaced, closing his eyes and lowering his head. He placed his hat back on, covering up his mouse ears again and casting the shadow back over his eyes.

"I already told you, scar-face, I don't know." The villain tutted, his lips twisting into a frown as he returned to the attatude he had before.

"Scar-face?!" Shoto repeated, clenching his fists and baring his teeth in anger.

"Oh calm down you itty-bitty b*tchlet! Let me finish speaking!"

The villain's insult instantly made Katsuki burst into laughter. His eyes quickly teared up since he was laughing so hard and loudly.

"B-Bakugo!" Todoroki growled, turning his glair towards him instead.

"HE CALLED YOU A B*TCHLET!" Katsuki gasped between laughs.

I began to find it a little funny too but I managed to hold back a small laugh. Instead, I stepped closer to Bakugo and lightly batted him on the back of his head.

"Kacchan, you can't give a villain that kind of validation!" I whispered, or well, tried to whisper... it came more as a regularly volumed grunt so he could actually hear me over his laughter.

"Hm....." The villain hummed, watching the scene take place with great interest.

He placed the small plant on the rim of his hat and then took hold of a couple of the jail cell bars. Leaning in a little closer to the cage, he smiled slightly.

"Thinking about it... You're all a lot like villains, aren't you all?" He chuckled slightly, shifting his eyes from Katsuki over to Shoto instead.

I staired at the short boy, feeling my breathing and heartbeat quicken. Slowly, I sat down on the stone bench next to Katsuki as too, fell silent.

"What?" Todoroki exhaled, his eyes widening.

"You guys. You're quite like villains when you think about it. You're travellers, you aren't afraid to use your quirks, not scared to speak your minds... you know those are some of the main traits villains have, riiight?" He hummed.

I looked over at Todoroki... then the villain... then Bakugo... and then my shoes. The memories of was Dabi had told me were reserficing... no matter what I tried, they weren't leaving my mind.

I felt my chest tighten as I inhaled a sharp, silent breath. There came an almost stabbing sensation in the back of my mind as I realised...

I unconsiously believed what I had had been told...

Like, deep down... this hole time I'd known...

My shoulders hunched a little, my eyes narrowing as I continued to stare daggers into the ground. My lips quivered a little, wanting to speak... but I was unable to find a single word to utter.

"Yeah, I know." My thoughts were cut off by Katsuki's voice.

My head pricked up as I turned my direction to him, surprised at just how insanely calm he sounded...

"I mean... y'think I hadn't picked up on it yet?" The blonde, spikey haired boy grunted, tilting his head while looking at the villain, "Of course, It's totally a choice wether or not anyone goes flounching that about, ya' show-off Rat."

The villain laughed to himself a little, lowering his head and shrugging it off.

"I like your style, Pomeranian. Maybe I'll sneak you guys out'a here after all..."

I suddenly felt... relieved. Like... some mysterious internal tension I'd built up had been released. Glancing over at Todoroki, however...

He seemed the complete opposite. Despite being handed a good chance of escape, the means to have gotten to that point seemed to fill him with the deepest despair.

Hiya. So I've accepted that my writing isn't going to be as good as it used to be so I'm just going to have to publish this, since it's the best I'm capable of. Thank you all for waiting for so long, it means a lot to know that this story has been able to bring so many people happiness. ^w^
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