Chapter 36 (Prisoner to constant 4th wall breaks)

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Y/N's POV:

After that, all I remember is passing out from exhaustion... and maybe from the heat from his fire, I don't know. Next thing I do know is that I'm sitting the cliche damp stone dungeon cell with chains attached to my ankles and wrists.

I glaired at the villain through the bars, trying to look angry but probably looking more like a sad puppy in his stupid eyes.

"They'll kill you ya' know. If I don't get to you first, they'll kill you!" I spat.

"Haha." He let out a tainted, phycotic laugh, "Will they now? Ah... I highly doubt that. Little, explosion boy's too slow to keep up and as for your Shoto... I doubt my baby brother would hurt me."

ACK! Whoms't?! This cannot be, what a plot twist? You two are related? Psh, all the gals self inserting themselves onto me already knew that but I'll pretend to be surprised so that the plot may continue...


"Why... why're you speeking like that?" HAH! I totally got him to drop the high and mighty act! Now he's just confused.

"Ugh, Well, you've had me here for like, two days now. I'm totally bored so I just thought it'd see how many accents/ personalities/ speech patterns I could go through and annoy you with. I mean, all this inconsistant character writing should have a pay off, don't you think?" I snarked back snarkily.

He tutted and rolled his eyes, slouching his back like an edgy teen.

"Aaaaaaanyway," I hummed, "What's All For One's deal? Like, he's toooootally in control of all you viiilllaaaains and mooonsters and he's basically king of the night or whatever so why does he, like, want everything else too?" I was now channeling my inner 21st century basic white girl.

He scoffed at me, turning his back slightly as a way to shrug me off.

"Like I'd tell a gaurdian's girl like you. besides, you need to treat me more like a threat and not a potential love intrest."

"Um... it is a TODOROKI Xreader, Niki never specified WHICH Todoroki!" Listen, I wrote this chapter at 3 am, cut me some slack for all the 4th wall breaks, I'm rly tired and the target audience will be mad if I don't post by tomorrow.

His burn up cheeks didn't blush up because the skin's too crippled for that. Instead he gasped slightly, taken back a little in surprise.

He grunted, frowning and went back to glairing at me.

"You can't sweet talk me girlie." He huffed.

"Oh, I won't. I'll just convince you to tell me in annother way!" I smiled, knowing exactly what to do.

"Oh yeah, and how do you plan to do that?" He smirked slightly.

This settled it. There was now I silent bet between us. The stakes are quiet high. If I win, I get the information. If I loose, I'll have to stop making 4th wall breaks.

I took a deep breath, lifting my chin up slightly to keep my vocal chords as open as possible and;

(I regret nooooootttthiiiiiiiiinggg!!!!!!!!)

"FOR GOODNESS SAKE, OK, OK I'LL DO WHAT YOU WANT!" Dabi shouted, pressing his hands against his ears and shaking his head in emphasis of his words.

Dusk And Dawn (Todoroki X Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ