Chapter 25 (Kidnapped)

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Y/N's POV:

"So I'm a boy now?!" I shrieked in the girliest way I think possible,

"Hey, you said you were willing to change yourself, riiight?" Shoto laughed, clearly teasing me,

"And since when are we dating?!" 

"I don't know. Wanna kiss?" He shrugged, momentarily oblivious to his statement, "NO, NO WAIT! I-I TAKE THAT BACK!" He said frantically, a bright red blush flooding onto his face.

"Alright, alright. We can work this out!" I sighed, trying to suppress my own blush, "As long as we don't act like too much of a couple then we should be fine, yes?"

"I mean, we didn't act like a couple to start with so." He shrugged, hiding his face in his hands.

"Yeah and hey, It's just for one night! What could possibly go wrong?"

Thoes words echoed in my minds as I continued to take in my new situation...

I'd found myself waking up in a large and moving carrage, curled up next to Bakugo.

Looking accross the carrage was Lord Endevour who was hardcore glairing out the window. Next to him was a close to tears Shoto.

His head was down and he was sitting paralized in his spot.

"What's going on?" I asked sleepily, trying to sit up.

Bakugo placed his hand ontop of my head, signaling me to keep down. Unfortunately, it was too late.

"My silly boy has taken things too far. I'm taking him back home although he absolutely insisted that I take you degenerates along too." Endevour explained, glairing at me especially.

Todoroki looked up at us, giving us a solem look of apology. I closed my eyes and nodded a little, telling him that it was ok.

Sitting up, the lord insisted that I let Shoto move to sit at my side since he 'didn't have enough room to sit'.

"Where are you even taking us?" I asked as Todoroki sat down by my side.

"Hell flame city." The lord spoke seriously.

"It's named after his quirk." Bakugo wispered,

"It's two miles away from Synphogear." Todoroki whispered to us both, making sure to keep his head down.

The rest of the grueling journey was made in silence. Endevour hardly ever took his judging gaze away from the three of us.

I was able to learn that all our bags and even my pocket belt thingies were in a box at the back of the carrage and that Espur, whom Endevour reffered to as 'Glacier', was hooked up to the carrage and was helping to pull it along with his two long-lost siblings.

As dusk started to arrive once again, the blinds on the windows were drawn down.

Not long after, the sound of the horse's whooves stopped and the carrage came to a hault.

"We've arrived." Todoroki breathed, this voice dry and filled with fear.

Endevour exited first and the three of us were forced to follow close behind him, his son by his side.

Despite wanting to get a glimpse of the city or the outside of my friend's former home, I couldn't bring myself to take my eyes off the pebble coated floor and my shoes.

Following the Lord into his estate, I could feel the eyes of his workmen and servents looking at us. I heard brief whispers about Todoroki's return and about the state we were all in.

It was then that I realised that I'd technically been kidnapped and I wasn't too sure how I should feel about that.

"S-Shoto?" A young girl's voice spoke.

Todoroki gave no response but I looked up for the first time as a slightly taller girl then him sprinted forward and wrapped him up in a hug.

She had done up white hair with small red streaks and rectangle glasses, a silver- ruby enbedded- necklace around her neck.

"Fuyumi, don't touch him." Endevour instructed, causing the girl to jump back instantly.

"Hi sis, you and bro're about the only things I missed in this dump." Todoroki smirked.

"Sebrina!" Endevour cault the attention of a young lady dressed like a maid, "These two traveler boys are filthy, fix them up and lone them some of Toya's old clothes. They'll be in the guest room for a couple days."

The Lord spoke with heavy reluctance, everyone could tell he was being forced to speek like that.

"Fuyumi, Natsuo, take your brother to his room and make sure he fixes himself up. All six of us will dine together in two hours. There's much I want to discuss, especially with you N/N."

I nodded worriedly.

The maid Sebrina led Bakugo and I out of the hallway and up a tall, red carpeted staircase.

Once we were all out of the view of Endevour, and by extension poor Todoroki, Bakugo and I slumped our shoulders and started to quietly complain to eachother about all this.

"So," The maid spoke awkwardly, "You two are.... brothers?"

"Guess you could say that." I pouted, running my fingers through my tangled hair. It could really do with a clean.

She stopped outside a white painted door and drew out a silver key, slotting it into the door's lock.

"A cylinder lock huh? Seems out of place." Katsuki commented.

Sebrina shook her head and opened the door, indicating for us to walk inside first.

"There are towels and soap in the bathroom, I'll fetch you two some clean clothes. I'll be back in thirty minuets." She nodded and closed the door.

Katsuki and I looked at eachother.

"Who's going in first?" I asked,

"You. I wanna investigate this room a bit first." He said, prompting me to go wash up first.

"Alright. I might be a while though." I chuckled, slipping into the bathroom.

'Damn, no lock.' I muttered as I shut the bathroom door behind me.

Hanging up my clothes on the door handle to try and make it harder to open, I went about trying to wash and untangle my H/L, H/C hair, frequently getting soap in my eyes.

"Well, that took forever." I sighed, wrapping a large, fluffy towel around myself.

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