Chapter 26 (Too fancy for me)

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Y/N's POV:

"Bakugo, can I have my clothes?" I asked, standing close to the door sepperating the bathroom and bedroom.

He opened the door a crack and flung my clothes at me before slamming the door shut again,

"Thanks hair for brains!" I sighed in reply.

I guess my bags where bought up because he'd given me clean women's underwear, thank goodness. I'd also been given a long sleeve, black dress shirt and black suit trousers.

The outfit fitted me surprisingly well. Aside the fact that the front of the shirt was pretty loose, but I guess that would help the 'I'm a boy' case.

Why'd I even let them think that? 'Cuz I thought it'd be funny?

Well I don't see anyone laughing right now...

Walking out the bathroom, dirty clothes in hand, I found Sebrina in the corner polishing my boots.

Katsuki pushed past me, trying to escape it seems.

"Hello." I smiled at her.

"Ah, goodevening sir. Please, place your dirty clothes over there," She pointed to a linnen basket by the door, "I'll personally clean them for you. They'll be shinning by tomorrow."

"Personally you say?" I asked cautiously.

She nodded in response, confused, as if I wasn't ment to ask.

"Well then, do you think you could do something for me?" I whispered, walking over to her and crouching down by her side.

"Is there something amiss?" She asked, her dull blue eyes lighting up slightly at the thought of being let in on a secret.

"Yep." I hurriedly whipered an abridged version of the story of how I came here. She seemed facinated, like she'd never seen the sun before. In the end, she agreed to keep the fact that I was a girl a secret, informing me that if Endevour found out I'd lied for so long, he'd probably kill me.

"I figured. That's why I'm asking you for this."

"Thank you for trusting me with this sir. I will have your secret kept under wraps until the day I perish."

"Thank you."

Katsuki came out then.

Wearing similar trousers to me, he wore a white version of my dress shirt with the top button undone and his goggles still on his head.

"BakuHOE you can't wear that!" I exclaimed, trying to grab them off his head.

"No!" He yelled,

"Please sir!" Serbina interupted, "If you insist apon wearing them, let me polish them first! Lord Endevour will only insist apon the best!"

He huffed and handed them over to her.

About 20 minuets later, she returned them and departed with the laundery.

"What a pain." He huffed, falling back on the queen sized bed.

Knock, knock, knock!

"Fuck." He murmured as I got up to open the door.

It was Todoroki's sister, Fuyumi I think it was.

"Hello boys. Time to head to dinner." She smiled, looking us both up and down.

Continuing to smile, she led us back the way we came. She turned around and started walking backwards so she could look at us.

"Let me see if I have this right!" She continued to smile, "You're hm, Katsuki Bakugo."

She pointed at Bakugo who Tch'ed at her in reply.

"And you're N/N Bakugo, my brother's um, love interest, right?" She turned her attention to me.

"That's me but there's nothing between me and him. We're friends." I said quietly.

Fuyumi nodded and gave a small sigh,

"Thank goodness then. Mother would have him exaccuted for taking up a lover, let alone a boy. She's still got her heart set on us helping the village we're in alliance with."

She turned her back on us and continued to walk a few steps ahead of us.

Bakugo and I looked at eachother, stiffling laughter. This hole situation has gotten so terrible by me failing to correct the carrage driver. It was damning but still funny.

Walking though a set of double doors, we entered a fancy looking dinning hall.

At the large table sat Lord Endevour at the head of the table, A tall, slender woman with white hair to his left, His son Natsuo on his right and Shoto next to his brother.

Fuyumi sat next to who I'm assuming was he mother who was looking at us with a calm bet dissapproving look.

I sat down next to Shoto and asked him how he was doing.

"Fine." Was all his quietly responded with.

"So then, spending your time with two gypsie brothers?" His mother asked.

"We're not gypsies." Katsuki interupted, trying to keep a level head, "We're travellers."

"Hm, right." The woman agreed with a slight tone of cringe, "Anyway, you've been wandering around aimlessly with them for all this time?"

"N-no. It's not been aimless. And it hasn't been for the entire time it was after about... um, a year." He was clearly lying. I was fine with that though, they'd be less accepting if they'd know we only met a week ago, Bakugo even less so.

"And is it true that you've taken the smaller one as," The woman took a second to swallow her cringe, "your lover, hm?"

"No!" I interupted this time, "We're just friends."

"Sit down and shut up." Endevour spat, setting me back in line instantly.

"What sh-*cough, cough* HE says it true. We're only close friends, the same goes for Katsuki. I only reffered to N/N in that way to try and make Father angry with me. I thought I wouldn't be made to return home." He said, speeking honestly.

Endevour scowled at him and I could tell that his siblings were trying to stop themselves from smiling at his attempt to make there father angry.

"Great. Now that that's all cleared up, you will have two days to say your goodbyes to your 'friends' before they will leave and you will continue your studies." Endevour spoke as if the last two years was just a game to him.

"Oh Shoto." His mother smiled, reaching out for his hand accross the table, "It's so good to see you again. Did you have fun? Did you get it all out of your system?"

He drew his hands away before she could touch him, pressing his left hand over his burnt eye and shaking a little.

"Well, did you?" She asked, still smiling softly, as if she wasn't phased my his behaviour.

"NO!" Todoroki screamed at the top of his lungs, slamming his palms down of the table and sending plates flying in the air with a loud cluttering noise.

I gasped, holding my breath, trying to anticipate what would happen next.

What's going to happen now?

Have a merry christmas and a happy new year! - I'm saying it now cuz I won't update until the new year. Rip the decade, (You just read 1132 words)

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