Chapter 10: Can't Believe It

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Y/n walked down the isle. All eyes on her as she made her way towards the front, tears escaping from the corner of her eyes.

Tom and Haz walked on either side of her, gently holding her arms, making sure she doesn't trip on her heels. The room was quiet, people walking in and taking their seats.

Y/n stared ahead of her, not believing she was doing this. A soft sob escaped past her lips as she reached the front, reaching to touch Timmy's hand.

"Hey handsome." She cried.

No response.

She turned to Haz and shook her head, rapidly. "I can't. I can't. I can't." She gasped for breathe, but none seemed to reach her lungs. Pressure pushed down on her chest and she grasped at Tom's hand.

"Hey. Hey! It's okay. It's gonna be okay. Breathe." Tom soothed. "I'm here. We're here."

Y/n cried into Tom's chest, gasping for air. Tom ran his fingers through her hair and rubbed her back gently with his other hand as he led her to sit on the front row.

A casket was place in the front of the room, Timmy laying there peacefully in his black suit. His hands were placed neatly on his stomach, light make up coating his emotionless face.

Silence surrounded the room, no one daring to speak. Both, y/n's and Timmy's family and friends filled the room. Some came up to share their condolences and others just took their seats.

Y/n held her stomach as she hid her face into Tom's chest, tears flowing, continuously. They all sat through the funeral, a couple of people going up to the stand to share some memories they had with Timmy.

The time for the burial came and y/n watched as they rolled the casket out of the funeral home. Following behind, they walked past gravestones towards the six feet hole. Glum looks on everyone's face as they reached it.

It was then time to say goodbye. Y/n walked up to Timmy, holding his cold hand on her warm ones and leaned down to place a kiss on his forehead. She prayed he'd open his eyes, tell her he loves her and that he was going to keep his promise, the one where he said he'd never leave her. But he didn't. He wasn't going to and so, she gave his hand one last squeeze and let go. She let go of the person she loved with all her heart. She let go of her best friend. Her handsome.

After his family had said their goodbyes, the casket was closed. In minutes, the casket was slowly lowered down, Timmy inside.

It hit the ground with a soft thud and y/n grabbed a handful of dirt and dropped it on top of the casket. A couple of people followed her lead and once everyone did, the rest of the dirt was spilled and soon, the hole was filled.

Tom and Haz pulled y/n up from the ground, where she had been on her knees, crying as she hugged herself while watching them bury him. Their hearts breaking at seeing her in pain and not being able to help. They led her to their car and Tom sat with her in the backseat as Haz drove to their apartment.

When they reached the apartment, y/n walked straight into her old room and laid underneath the blankets.

She couldn't believe it. Any of it.

He was supposed to be okay. The surgery had gone well. How could she had not noticed that he wasn't okay? Why didn't he tell her he was still in pain? Why didn't she keep persisting?

She sobbed as she remembered the last day she saw him. The same day that he had gotten successfully out of surgery.

"Hey handsome." She whispered.


"You're okay." She croaked. "You're here."

"I'm here, gorgeous. It's okay. Don't cry, baby." He opened his arms and smiled. "Come here."

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