Chapter 11: I miss him

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Tom sat on a park bench, phone in his hand. He ran his hand in his hair continuously, pulling the phone up to his ear.

"Hello? Zendaya?" Tom waited patiently for her to reply on the phone. "Can we talk?"

"Yeah! Of course! Come over?"

"I'm on my way." Tom mumbled before hanging up.

He got in his car and threw his phone on the passenger seat with a sigh. He couldn't think straight. His feelings were all over the place.

As he pulled into Zendaya's driveway, an exasperated sigh left his mouth. Zendaya, as always, waited at the doorway for him with a soft smile.

"Hey, Tom. How are you? You look tired."

"Hey, Z. I am tired." Tears welled up in his eyes and Zendaya pulled him in for a hug.  "She's broken and I don't know how to fix it. I don't know how to help her."

"Shh, Tom, it's okay. Come inside, I'll make you some tea."

"Where's Tom?" Y/n mumbled from under the blankets.

"I don't know. He didn't come back last night."

"Haz?" She whispered.

"Yeah?" He shifted to lay in his side to face her and moved the blanket out of her face.

"I don't know how I'll be able to raise the baby. Without..." A sob broke out from her lips and she buried her face in the blanket once more.

"I'll be here. I'll help you with everything." He gently pulled the blanket out of her face again and stroked her cheek, moving her hair out of her face. "Tom would be here too. We'll both be here to help, okay?"

"Okay." She gave Harrison a watery smile and moved closer to him, resting her head on her head.

Harrison stroked her hair and let out a deep sigh.

"So what happened?" Zendaya asked as she set the cup of tea in the side table.

"She cried, a lot. She trashed her room. And I didn't know how to help her." Tom wiped his eyes. "She's... she was engaged to him... he proposed to her right before it happened."

"Oh, no. That's heartbreaking." Zendaya grabbed his hand to try and comfort him.

"That's not even the worst part." He let out a shaky sigh and looked up at Zendaya. "She's pregnant."

Zendaya gasped as Tom's heart broke all over again.

"She lost the love of her life right when they were going to start their future. And now, now she's heartbroken because they took him away from her and their kid. And I don't know how I can help her because that's something that will be hard to recover from and I just feel so hopeless." Tom cried into his hands and Zendaya rubbed his back, tears brimming on the corners of her eyes.

"Just be there for her, Tom. That's all you can do. Be with her and help her. She's going to need all the help she can get. I could never imagine losing the person that I thought would be my future. Especially while expecting a baby. She's broken and she's going to need you. So get out of here and be there for her."

Tom looked up at Zendaya and she gave him a soft smile. "Stay strong for her. And I'm sure she'll stay strong for you, her baby, and Harrison. Now go."

Tom nodded and mumbled a 'thanks' before making his way into his car and to their apartment.

When he arrived to their apartment, he went straight to Harrison's room, knowing y/n would most likely be there.

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