Chapter 24: The Man

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"Where is he?" Y/n asked kneeling in front of Harrison.

"I don't know. He only let me see him once." Harrison sobbed, quietly. "I promise I didn't mean any of this."

Tom punched Harrison. "You we're our best friend and you tried to kill us." He turned to the officer. "Take him away."

Tom turned to Emilio as the detective stood him up. "Where is he?"

"I'm not telling you." Emilio laughed.

Tom punched him, and Emilio chuckled as he spit out blood.

"You'll never see him again." He said as the detective took him away and y/n sobbed into her hands.

Tom rushed fo kneel beside her and pulled her close go him. "We'll find him him. I promise I'll get him back for you."

They arrived at the police station less than half an hour later. Y/n has stopped crying, and her sadness turned to anger. She was going to do whatever it took to find Timothée.

"Y/n, can you stop pacing, darling? We'll find him. I promise. I'll bring him back to you." Tom said as he sat behind her pacing figure.

"What if they... what if...?" She tried to speak.

"He's fine. I know he is. They still need him." Tom said, standing up and placing his hands on her shoulders. "You'll be back together in no time."

Tom gave her a sad smile and led her to take a seat. "Everything will be okay."

"What if he hates me for not looking for him? What if he doesn't want me anymore?" She asked.

"We didn't know he was still alive until an hour ago, he'll understand. And there's no way he could ever move on from you." He tucked her hair behind her ear and placed his hand on her cheek. With his other hand, he reached to hook a finger around her chain and gave her a forced smile. "So I suggest you put that ring back on your finger."

After another hour of waiting, detective Mendes came up to them. "He's not talking. We're going to do everything we can to find Timothée, until then, I don't suggest you go back home. You said you were staying at a hotel, correct?"

"Yes. We were." Tom said.

"Okay good, stay there. I'll have some officers patrolling in case of anything. I'll let you know if we find anything. Goodnight." Detective Mendes said, walking away.

"Let's go. You need to rest." Tom led her out of the police station and they drove to the hotel in silence.

"About last night..." y/n started.

"We don't have to talk about it." Tom told her, glancing over at her. "We can just pretend it never happened."

Y/n looked down at her lap with a frown. With tears in the corner of his eyes, Tom cleared his throat and glanced at her once more.

"You'll get your happy ending with Timothée, okay?"

She looked at Tom, and Tom gave her a sad smile. Tom stopped at a red light and faced her. "And you'll form a family with him. Like you wanted."

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