Chapter 21: I'm sorry

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One week passed. Then two.

Y/n didn't wake up until week three. A quiet groan was heard in the hospital room. Tom, seated on her right, was on his phone and jumped forward at the sound.

He spent every single day in that room, wanting to be there when she woke. He was dreading having to tell her that her baby was gone. Dreading the look on her face.

"Hey. How are you feeling, love? Don't move too much, okay? I'll call the nurse." He spoke softly as he leaned over her to press the nurse call button.

"My...M-My..." she tried to speak, but her throat was too dry.

Tom stood to get her a glass of water, in silence. He tried to not make eye contact, as he chewed on his bottom, nervously.

"Here, drink this." He said, handing her the glass.

She took a big sip and opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by the door opening.

"Hi, Ms. l/n. How are you feeling?" The nurse went to check her and wrote on her clipboard.

"I-It hurts." She whimpered, placing a hand on her stomach.

"I can give you some pain medication for that. Try not to move to much. The wound isn't fully healed and can reopen. You're lucky to be alive."

"My baby. I-Is my baby okay? Please tell me it's okay. Please." Her voice cracked, eyes tearing up. She turned to look at Tom, who was looking down at his lap, trying to hide the tears threatening to spill out of the corner of his eyes.

She turned back to the nurse, seeing Tom look up from the corner of her eye. The nurse glanced at Tom, giving him a worried look before turning back to y/n giving her a look of pity.

A sob escaped past y/n's lips as realization seeped in. She turned to Tom who had guilt written all over his face, tears now spilling from his eyes.

"I'm sorry. We did everything we could." The nurse placed her hand on y/n's shoulder to try to give her comfort. "I'll be back with medication for the pain."

Once the nurse was gone, Tom moved closer to y/n, placing his hand hesitantly in hers.

"I'm so sorry, love. I couldn't protect you. I couldn't protect the both of you."

"My baby. It's gone, Tom. My baby's gone." She cried, pulling him closer to her.

"I know, baby. I know. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He pulled her to his chest and stroked her hair to try to soothe her. "He saved your life."

"He?" She turned to look up at Tom. "It's a boy?"

Tom nodded, tears still staining his cheeks. "A baby boy."

"A baby boy." She repeated. "M-My baby boy."

She curled up against Tom again, holding her stomach as she broke down.

They stayed like that for hours, sobs coming from y/n, soft cries from Tom.

Y/n fell asleep after a while. Tom was unable to. Guilt and anger coursed through his veins. Images of her clutching her stomach as blood coated her hands and everything around them was all he could see every time he closed his eyes.

Harrison hasn't been around since Tom shoved him out of the hospital that day. He hasn't even gone to their home.

That night replays over and over in Tom's head. He can't imagine how y/n must be feeling going through a similar situation twice in a single year.

One of his hands rested on top the hand that she had on her stomach. Tears welled up in his eyes once more.

He wasn't his. He was Timothée's, but God knew he loved that baby just as much as he would if it was his own.

Every appointment, he was there. He loved that baby with everything he had.

Knowing that he'll never get to meet him. Knowing that the reason behind that is because he failed to protect them, was all he could think about. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he had lost y/n too.

He's surprised she doesn't seem to hate him. He hates himself. Hates Harrison. Hates the people that did this.

He was going to find them. Make them pay. Even if it's the last thing he did. Even if it cost him his life.

He looked down at y/n, bringing a hand up to stroke her cheek. He'd do anything to keep her out of harms way.

Author's note: Hey guys! I meant to post on thanksgiving week but I had work that week and it was stressful. This is a short chapter, I'm sorry! But we are a bit over half way done with this book. :( which means it's coming to an end soon. I hope you all are enjoying it as much as I am writing it.

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