"We should get going with the team." Steve said. "We need to keep to the time if we're going to get there unnoticed."

"Right." Fury said, walking to the end of the bridge and pressing his hand to one of the screens. "We have exact location on Strange and the Hydra soldiers guarding him. Inside sources say that he hasn't been harmed and Hydra has actually been taking considerate care on his behalf. As we all know, this is fairly odd behavoir on Hydra's part. Now that they have no leader they're following the last set of orders that were given to them."

"Which were?" I asked, folding my arms over my chest.

"To execute him in the middle of the city. But since Alexander's out of the picture they're setting that date back a few days. But if we're to get him out then we need to act now." he added.

"So then why are we still here? Let's pack it up and go." Clint said standing and jumping over the railing down below to the computers.

"I already have a team of soldiers waiting on the runway, head out and complete the mission. You've already heard enough talk from me." Fury said. "I'll keep an eye on Lark, if something happens I'll be sure to tell you."

I nodded to Fury. Both Steve and I leaped over the railing and dropped to the floor, quickly following Clint to the runway. Where we boarded a jet, once on board I pulled out a large gun from a rack full of them and placed it on my back, attaching it to the back of the harness. The jet ramp lifted up and the lights dimmed from red to clear white. We stood there waiting a moment as the jet jolted forwards and we grabbed onto the handles on the walls.

"Yo, Bucky, you got a call." Clint tossed me a com link from the cockpit of the jet.

"From who?"

"You know who." he said, turning back. I put the com in my ear and pressed it, hearing static then clear silence.

"Hello?" I said, sitting down in one of the chairs.

"Bucky? It's Natasha."

"Natasha, what's going on?"

"Not much, hanging out with your girl here." she said. "But hey, no time to chatter. Fury's allowing us a few minutes, well you and Lark, a few minutes to talk before you hit the drop zone. She right here if you want to talk."

If? Did I? I didn't have a clue about if it felt right talking to Lark. I don't know why I was skeptical on it. Lark was probably worried about me, but I was more worried about her. Leaving her alone with Natasha and Thor just made my insides tighten with the thought her sitting there having to deal with those two.

"Put her on." I said after a moment. I leaned my elbows on my knees and sat forwards, looking at the floor.

"Just a sec." Natasha said. On the other end I heard mumbling voices. Then I heard Lark's voice and my heart began to race.

"Lark?" I said.

"Bucky?" she said. I smiled hearing her say my name.

"I'm here."

"Where are you? Are you with Fury?"

"I'm on the jet. We're heading out." I answered her. I could hear the worry in her voice, the unease she held with each word she said to me.

There was silence for a moment.

"Clint had me worried when he said that there was com for me from Natasha." I said to her, everything about this felt awkward. "I thought something happened to you."

"Natasha almost scared the living daylights out of me when she said someone from S.H.I.E.L.D. was on the line." she said, I thought I heard her laughing a little bit. "I miss you."

Let Me Go (Book Four)Where stories live. Discover now